47 results (displaying results 31 - 47) First « 1 2 » Last

Brussels, Capital of Belgium.

Brussels. Mallet, Allain Manesson. Brussels. Bruxelles. Paris. Thierry. Denys. 1683
Copper engraved view of Brussels from Mallet's "Description de l'Univers" 1st edition. Text to verso. Dark impression; light toning; slight soiling to blank margins.
150 by 101mm (6 by 4 inches).    €80
Stock No. 2950 - Europe full description


Brabant. Mercator Gerhard, Hondius Jodicus. Brabant. "Brabantia." Amsterdam, " Exusum in aedibus Jodici Hondij veneunt etiam apud Corneliu Nicolai. item apud Joannem Janssoniu Arnhemi." 1607
Copper engraved map of Brabant from the first edition of Gerhard Mercator's "Atlas Minor". Latin text to verso.
The map shows the province of Brabant in both Belgium and Holland.
Strap work title cartouche. Dark impression; old ink number to upper margin entering plate; upper margin short (1-4mm); printers crease to left of plate; wormhole in left lower quarter just above Maestricht (4mm); damp stain to lower blank margin.
Koeman: Me186. 152 by 194mm (6 by 7¾ inches).    €100
Stock No. 2364 - Europe full description

Cleves and Meurs, the Netherlands.

Cleves and Meurs. Mercator Gerhard, Hondius Jodicus. Cleves and Meurs. "Cleve et Murs." Amsterdam, " Exusum in aedibus Jodici Hondij veneunt etiam apud Corneliu Nicolai. item apud Joannem Janssoniu Arnhemi." 1607
Copper engraved map of Cleves and Meurs, Holland from the first edition of Gerhard Mercator's "Atlas Minor". Latin text to verso. Dark impression; old ink number to upper margin; damp stain to lower blank margin.
Koeman: Me186. 140 by 186mm (5½ by 7¼ inches).    €80
Stock No. 2361 - Europe full description

Flanders, Belgium.

Flanders. Mercator Gerhard, Hondius Jodicus. Flanders. "Flandria." Amsterdam, " Exusum in aedibus Jodici Hondij veneunt etiam apud Corneliu Nicolai. item apud Joannem Janssoniu Arnhemi." 1607
Copper engraved map of Flanders from the first edition of Gerhard Mercator's "Atlas Minor". Latin text to verso.
Strap work title cartouche. Dark impression; old ink number to upper margin; light stain near Ghent; damp stain to lower blank margin entering plate.
Koeman: Me186. 150 by 194mm (6 by 7¾ inches).    €100
Stock No. 2365 - Europe full description

Oval Map of West Friesland.

Frise Occientale. Mercator Gerhard, Hondius Jodicus. Abraham Goos. Frise Occientale. "Frisia Occidentalis." Amsterdam, " Ex officiana JoannisJanssonii" 1628
Copper engraved map of Wrst Friesland, from Gerhard Mercator's "Atlas Minor". French text to verso.
The distinctive decorative map is by Abraham Goos : an oval surrounded by strap work ornamentation, the map first appeared in Goos's " Nieuw Netherlandtsch Caertboeck" of 1616. Dark impression; lightly toned; worm hole to lower blank margin far from plate; some show through of text from verso.
Koeman: Me194. 122 by 176mm (4¾ by 7 inches).    €150
Stock No. 2370 - Europe full description

Geldria & Overijssel, Holland.

Geldria & Overijssel Mercator Gerhard, Hondius Jodicus. Geldria & Overijssel "Geldria et Tansisulana." Amsterdam, " Exusum in aedibus Jodici Hondij veneunt etiam apud Corneliu Nicolai. item apud Joannem Janssoniu Arnhemi." 1607
Copper engraved map of Geldria & Overijssel from the first edition of Gerhard Mercator's "Atlas Minor". Latin text to verso.
Strap work title cartouche. Dark impression; old ink number to upper margin; damp stain and smudge to lower blank margin.
Koeman: Me186. 130 by 183mm (5 by 7¼ inches).    €100
Stock No. 2363 - Europe full description

Hainaut, Belgium.

Hainaut. Mercator Gerhard, Hondius Jodicus. Hainaut. "Hanonia." Amsterdam, " Exusum in aedibus Jodici Hondij veneunt etiam apud Corneliu Nicolai. item apud Joannem Janssoniu Arnhemi." 1607
Copper engraved map of Hainaut, from the first edition of Gerhard Mercator's "Atlas Minor". Latin text to verso.
Strap work title cartouche. Dark impression; old ink number to upper margin; damp stain to lower blank margin.
Koeman: Me186. 141 by 178mm (5½ by 7 inches).    €65
Stock No. 2366 - Europe full description

Oval Map of Utrecht.

La Seigeurie de Utrecht. Mercator Gerhard, Hondius Jodicus. Abraham Goos. La Seigeurie de Utrecht. "Ultraiectum" Amsterdam, " Ex officiana JoannisJanssonii" 1628
Copper engraved map of Utrect, from Gerhard Mercator's "Atlas Minor". French text to verso.
The distinctive decorative map is by Abraham Goos : an oval surrounded by strap work ornamentation, the map first appeared in Goos's " Nieuw Netherlandtsch Caertboeck" of 1616. Dark impression; some show through of text from verso.
Koeman: Me194. 122 by 174mm (4¾ by 6¾ inches).    €150
Stock No. 2369 - Europe full description

Oval Map of Flanders.

Le Comte de Flandres. Mercator Gerhard, Hondius Jodicus. Abraham Goos. Le Comte de Flandres. "Comitatus Flandra." Amsterdam, " Ex officiana JoannisJanssonii" 1628
Copper engraved map of Flanders, from Gerhard Mercator's "Atlas Minor". French text to verso.
The distinctive decorative map is by Abraham Goos : an oval surrounded by strap work ornamentation, the map first appeared in Goos's " Nieuw Netherlandtsch Caertboeck" of 1616. Dark impression; worm hole to lower blank margin far from plate; some show through of text from verso.
Koeman: Me194. 124 by 178mm (5 by 7 inches).    €150
Stock No. 2373 - Europe full description

Oval Map of Hainaut.

Le Comte de Hainaut. Mercator Gerhard, Hondius Jodicus. Abraham Goos. Le Comte de Hainaut. "Comitatus Hannonia." Amsterdam, " Ex officiana JoannisJanssonii" 1628
Copper engraved map of Hainaut, from Gerhard Mercator's "Atlas Minor". French text to verso.
The distinctive decorative map is by Abraham Goos : an oval surrounded by strap work ornamentation, the map first appeared in Goos's " Nieuw Netherlandtsch Caertboeck" of 1616. Dark impression; worm hole to edge of lower blank margin far from plate; spots and stains to left blank margin, some entering plate; some show through of text from verso.
Koeman: Me194. 120 by 175mm (4¾ by 7 inches).    €100
Stock No. 2374 - Europe full description

Oval Map of Geldria.

Le Duche de Gueldres. Mercator Gerhard, Hondius Jodicus. Abraham Goos. Le Duche de Gueldres. "Geldria Ducatus." Amsterdam, " Ex officiana JoannisJanssonii" 1628
Copper engraved map of Geldria, from Gerhard Mercator's "Atlas Minor". French text to verso.
The distinctive decorative map is by Abraham Goos : an oval surrounded by strap work ornamentation, the map first appeared in Goos's " Nieuw Netherlandtsch Caertboeck" of 1616. Dark impression; lightly toned; worm hole to edge of lower blank margin far from plate; some show through of text from verso.
Koeman: Me194. 122 by 177mm (4¾ by 7 inches).    €150
Stock No. 2372 - Europe full description

Leige, Belgium.

Leige. Mercator Gerhard, Hondius Jodicus. Leige. "Leodiensis Diœc." Amsterdam, " Exusum in aedibus Jodici Hondij veneunt etiam apud Corneliu Nicolai. item apud Joannem Janssoniu Arnhemi." 1607
Copper engraved map of Leige, from the first edition of Gerhard Mercator's "Atlas Minor". Latin text to verso.
Strap work title cartouche. Dark impression; old ink number to upper margin; damp stain to lower blank margin.
Koeman: Me186. 137 by 190mm (5½ by 7½ inches).    €65
Stock No. 2367 - Europe full description


Luxembourg & Trier. Mercator Gerhard, Hondius Jodicus. Luxembourg & Trier. "Trièr et Lutzeborg." Amsterdam, " Exusum in aedibus Jodici Hondij veneunt etiam apud Corneliu Nicolai. item apud Joannem Janssoniu Arnhemi." 1607
Copper engraved map of Luxembourg and Trier, from the first edition of Gerhard Mercator's "Atlas Minor". Latin text to verso.
Strap work title cartouche. Dark impression; old ink number to upper margin; printed slightly crooked on page; damp stain to lower blank margin.
Koeman: Me186. 140 by 183mm (5½ by 7¼ inches).    €150
Stock No. 2368 - Europe full description

West Frisia, the Netherlands.

West Frisia. Mercator Gerhard, Hondius Jodicus. West Frisia. "Frisia Occidenta." Amsterdam, " Exusum in aedibus Jodici Hondij veneunt etiam apud Corneliu Nicolai. item apud Joannem Janssoniu Arnhemi." 1607
Copper engraved map ofHolland from the first edition of Gerhard Mercator's "Atlas Minor". Latin text to verso. Dark impression; old ink number to upper margin; printed very slightly crooked on page; damp stain to lower blank margin.
Koeman: Me186. 140 by 186mm (5½ by 7¼ inches).    €100
Stock No. 2360 - Europe full description

Zeeland, Holland.

Zeeland. Mercator Gerhard, Hondius Jodicus. Zeeland. "Zeelandia" Amsterdam, " Exusum in aedibus Jodici Hondij veneunt etiam apud Corneliu Nicolai. item apud Joannem Janssoniu Arnhemi." 1607
Copper engraved map of Zeeland Holland from the first edition of Gerhard Mercator's "Atlas Minor". Latin text to verso.
Strap work title cartouche; ships to sea. Dark impression; old ink number to upper margin; damp stain to lower blank margin.
Koeman: Me186. 131 by 194mm (5¼ by 7¾ inches).    €180
Stock No. 2362 - Europe full description

Liege, Belgium.

Leodiensis Dioecesis Typus. Mercator, Gerard. Petrus Kaerius/ Pieter Van der Keere. "Leodiensis Dioecesis Typus. " Amsterdam, Johannis Cloppenburgji. 1632
Copper engraved map of the Diocese of Leige from" Gerardi Mercatoris, Atlas sive Cosmographicae Meditationes de Fabrica mundi et fabricati figura, "Latin text to verso. Dark impression; damp stain to upper margin.
Keoman:Me200. 187 by 253mm (7¼ by 10 inches).    €50
Stock No. 1445 - Europe full description

Bird's Eye Plan of Amsterdam.

Amsterdam. Münster, Sebastian. Amsterdam. Basileae Henricum Petri 1552.
Woodcut half page bird's eye plan of Amsterdam engraved by Heinrich Holzmüller from Sebastian Münster's famous "Cosmographia". Black and white; set above Latin text with text and vignette to verso.

The map is after a woodcut by Cornelis Anthonisz, 1544. The text below however describes Rotterdam and continues to the verso where there is a woodcut vignette of Erasmus after the porrait by Hans Holbein the Younger . Good impression; some pencil underlining to text.
153 by 178mm (6 by 7 inches). .Full page:318x210mm    €100
Stock No. 2816 - Europe full description

47 results (displaying results 31 - 47) First « 1Last

Company: Bryan, Mary Louise. Address: Ag. Andrianoy 92 , 21 100 Nafplio, Greece.
Vat No: EL 119092581