443 results (displaying results 61 - 90) First « 1 2 3 4 5 6 » Last


Prussia Accurata Descripta a Gasparo Henneberg erlichsi. Blaeu, Guiljelmus. Prussia Accurata Descripta a Gasparo Henneberg erlichsi. "La Prusse" Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Prussia from volume 1 of Joan Blaeu's "Le theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas." Double page; folio; French text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche; ships to the sea. Original colour; lightly toned ; paint splodges to margins and below cartouche ; crease near centre fold and light spot.
Koeman1, Bl 16A [10(Bb)] 395 by 505mm (15½ by 20 inches).    €450
Stock No. 2231 - Europe full description

The Southern Territory of Milan

Status Mediolanensis pars Meriodionalis. Blaeu, Guiljelmus. Status Mediolanensis pars Meriodionalis. "Territori di Pavia. Lodi Novarro, Tortona Alessandria et altri vicini dello Stao di Milano." Amsterdam Joahannes and Cornelius Blaeu. 1640
Original coloured, copper engraved map of the Southern territory of Milan from volume 3 of Joan Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, sive Atlas novus. Pars Tertia" Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
The map shows the southern territory of Milan with Pavia , Alessandria, Lodi etc.
Decorative title cartouche. Original colour; light even toning with a few spots to blank margins and one within cartouche; drop of wax at centrefold.
Koeman1, Bl 36B[229(V)] 384 by 497mm (15 by 19½ inches).    €500
Stock No. 2255 - Europe full description

The Course of the River Danube.

The Danube and its Tributaries. Blaeu, Guiljelmus. The Danube and its Tributaries. "Danubius, Fluvius Europæ Maximus A fontibus ad Ostia, Cum omnibus Fluminibus, ab utroque latere, in illum defluentibus." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of the River Danube. from volume 1 of Joan Blaeu's "Le theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas." 2 Double pages joined; folio; blank verso.
The large map shows the course of the Danube from source to sea, with its tributaries.
The large decorative title cartouche shows the Austrian emperor Ferdinand III and the Turkish sultan.Decorative vignette to lower left corner surrounding scale with allegorical figures of the river and its tributaries.
[ see also item 2215 :The Rhine]. Original colour; folded; creases to left above vignette; light toning, darker to lower left corner; paint splodge above allegorical vignette ; a few spots within image; candle wax drops to verso causing slight discolouration.
Koeman1, Bl 16A [219] 414 by 960mm (16¼ by 37¾ inches).    €1000
Stock No. 2244 - Europe full description

Rugen Island, Germany.

Description de LIsle de Ruge . Blaeu, Guiljem. Description de L'Isle de Ruge . "Rugia Insula ac Ducatus accuritissime ab E. Lubino..." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Rugen Island from volume 1 of Joan Blaeu's"Le theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas." Double page; folio; French text to verso.
Decorative cartouche surmounted by coat of arms; borders either side with 30 family coats of arms; compass rose, ships and fish to sea. Original colour; lightly toned; rust spot to upper right corner close to border.
Koeman1, Bl 16A [64()] 385 by 504mm (15¼ by 19¾ inches).    €450
Stock No. 2175 - Europe full description

Mecklenburg, Germany.

Le Duche de Mecklenburg. Blaeu, Guiljem. Le Duche de Mecklenburg. "Meklenburg Ducatus. Auctore Joanne Laurenbergio" Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of the Duchy of Mecklenburg from volume 1 of Joan Blaeu's"Le theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas." Double page; folio; French text to verso.
Decorative cartouche and scale, coat of arms; compass rose and ships to sea. Original colour.
Koeman1, Bl 16A [12(H0 368 by 482mm (14½ by 19 inches).    €300
Stock No. 2176 - Europe full description


Le Duche de Pomeranie. Blaeu, Guiljem. S.Rogiers sculpsit Le Duche de Pomeranie. "Pomeraniæ Ducatus Tabula. Auctore Eilhhardo Lubino" Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Pomerania from volume 1 of Joan Blaeu's"Le theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas." Double page; folio; French text to verso.
Decorative cartouche and scale; coat of arms ,compasses roses and ships to Baltic sea. Original colour; lightly toned; paint(/) smudge to cartouch; spot to upper blank margin.
Koeman1, Bl 16A [11(F0] 380 by 486mm (15 by 19¼ inches).    €400
Stock No. 2174 - Europe full description

Brandenburg, Germany.

Marquisat de Brandenbourg. Blaeu, Guiljemum et Joannem Marquisat de Brandenbourg. "Brandeburgum Marchionatus cum Ducatibus Pomeraniæ et Meklenburgi." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of the Duchy of Mecklenburg from volume 1 of Joan Blaeu's"Le theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas." Double page; folio; French text to verso.
Decorative cartouche, surmounted by coat of arms; armorial shields of Brandenburg, Pomerania & Mecklenburg to body of map; scale with putti; compass roses & ships to sea. Original colour; blank margins slightly soiled and toned.
Koeman1, Bl 16A [118(I)] 394 by 520mm (15½ by 20½ inches).    €300
Stock No. 2177 - Europe full description

Magdebourg & Anhalt, Germany.

Archeveschi de Magdebourg. Blaeu, Guiljemus. Archeveschi de Magdebourg. "Archipiscopatus Maghdeburgensis et Anhaltinus Ducatus; cum teris adjacentibus." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of the Archbishopric of Magdeburg from volume 1 of Joan Blaeu's"Le theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas." Double page; folio; French text to verso.
Decorative allegorical cartouche, of Ceres with a cornucopia of fruits. Original colour; blank margins spotted and toned.
Koeman1, Bl 16A [16*(K0] 378 by 495mm (15 by 19½ inches).    €300
Stock No. 2178 - Europe full description

Waldeck, Germany.

Description de Comte de Waldeck. Blaeu, Guiljemus. Description de Comte de Waldeck. "Waldeck Comitatus." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Waldeck from volume 1 of Joan Blaeu's "Le theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas." Double page; folio; French text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche surmounted by coat of arms. Original colour; paper lightly toned; a few spots to blank margins; slight creasing at centrefold.
Koeman1, Bl 16A [120(Bb)] 382 by 500mm (15 by 19¾ inches).    €300
Stock No. 2192 - Europe full description

Paderborn, Germany.

Description de Paderborne.. Blaeu, Guiljemus. Description de Paderborne.. "Paderbonnsis Episcopatus Descriptio Nova, Joanne Gigante Ludense D.Med et Math auth.." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of the Bishopric of Paderborn from volume 1 of Joan Blaeu's "Le theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas." Double page; folio; French text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche ; Armorial shields to body of map, Original colour; paper lightly toned; a few spots to blank margins; printers creases to upper and lower blank margins and near centre fold.
Koeman1, Bl 16A [30(Z)] 376 by 483mm (14¾ by 19 inches).    €300
Stock No. 2190 - Europe full description

The Course of the River Elbe, Hamburg and the surrouding Islands. Germany.

Description du Fleuve dElbe avec les Provinces & Isles qui sont aux environs de Hambourg. Blaeu, Guiljemus. Description du Fleuve d'Elbe avec les Provinces & Isles qui sont aux environs de Hambourg. "Celeberrimi Fluvii Albis nova delineatio, Auctorre Christiano Mollero." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of the river Elbe from volume 1 of Joan Blaeu's"Le theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas." Double page; folio; French text to verso.
The map which is in two strips one above the other, shows the course of river Elbe .
The upper map focuses on the area around Hamburg with the islands that are surrounding it within the Elbe; the lower map shows the continued course of the river out to the sea.
Decorative cartouche and coat of arms, compass rose and ships to sea on to lower map; scale and armorial shield to upper map. Original colour.
Koeman1, Bl 16A [14(Q0]. 310 by 530mm (12¼ by 20¾ inches).    €300
Stock No. 2183 - Europe full description

Braunschweig, Brunswick, Germany.

Duche de Brunsvic. Blaeu, Guiljemus. Duche de Brunsvic. "Ducatus Brunsvicensis, srereq. Lunæburgensis,cum adjacentibus Episcopatibus, comit. domin. etc. Descriprio Geographica...." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Braunschweig and Lunenberg from volume 1 of Joan Blaeu's"Le theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas." Double page; folio; French text to verso.
Decorative cartouche surmounted by coat of arms. Original colour; blank margins lightly soiled.
Koeman1, Bl 16A [289(L0 419 by 530mm (16½ by 20¾ inches).    €300
Stock No. 2179 - Europe full description

Franconia Germany.

Franconie.. Blaeu, Guiljemus. Franconie.. "Francomia Vulgo Franckenlandt." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Franconia from volume 1 of Joan Blaeu's "Le theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas." Double page; folio; French text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche. Original colour; paper lightly toned; a few spots to blank margins.
Koeman1, Bl 16A [121(Cc]) 380 by 496mm (15 by 19½ inches).    €300
Stock No. 2193 - Europe full description

East Friesland,Germany.

Frise Orientale. Blaeu, Guiljemus. Frise Orientale. "Typus Frisiæ OrientalisAuctore Ubbone Emmio.." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of East Friesland from volume 1 of Joan Blaeu's "Le theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas." Double page; folio; French text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche; 2 coats of arms to upper corners ; insert map showing the inundations of the city of Emden on December 25th 1277, with decorative frame surmounted by Poseidon and dolphins. Original colour; light toning; tear /paper fault [approx 24mm] upper left outside inset map, repaired to verso; light scattered spotting to blank margins, one larger rust spot lower right near inset map.
Koeman1, Bl 16A [19(T)] 375 by 488mm (14¾ by 19¼ inches).    €350
Stock No. 2186 - Europe full description

Osnabruck, Germany.

LEvesche dOsnaburg. Blaeu, Guiljemus. L'Evesche d'Osnaburg. "Osnaburgensis Episcopatus. Auctore Joanne Gigante," Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of the Bishopric of Osnabruck from volume 1 of Joan Blaeu's "Le theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas." Double page; folio; French text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche above inset view of the city of Osnabruck[ full original old colour]; inset map of the district of Reckenbergensis; Coat of arms to upper right corner; armorial shields to body of map, Original colour; paper lightly toned; a few spots to blank margins; printers creases to upper and lower blank margins .
Koeman1, Bl 16A [29(Y)] 370 by 483mm (14½ by 19 inches).    €400
Stock No. 2189 - Europe full description

Hildesheim, Germany.

LEvesche de Hidesheim. Blaeu, Guiljemus. L'Evesche de Hidesheim. "Episcopatus Hideseinnsis descriptio Novissima Authore Joanne Gigante D. Med. et Math..." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Hildesheim from volume 1 of Joan Blaeu's"Le theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas." Double page; folio; French text to verso.
Decorative cartouche; coat of arms and armorial sheilds to body of map. Original colour; blank margins lightly soiled.
Koeman1, Bl 16A 119([M0] 410 by 500mm (16¼ by 19¾ inches).    €300
Stock No. 2180 - Europe full description

Munster, Germany.

LEvesche de Munster. Blaeu, Guiljemus. L'Evesche de Munster. "Monasteriensis Episcopatus. Auctore Joh.Gigante Medico et Mathmatico," Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map o the Bishopric of Munster from volume 1 of Joan Blaeu's "Le theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas." Double page; folio; French text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche. Original colour; paper lightly toned.
Koeman1, Bl 16A [28*(V0]. 374 by 495mm (14¾ by 19½ inches).    €300
Stock No. 2187 - Europe full description

Hessen, Germany.

Landgraviat de Hessen. Blaeu, Guiljemus. Landgraviat de Hessen. "Hassia Landgraviatus." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Hessen from volume 1 of Joan Blaeu's "Le theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas." double page; folio; French text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche and scale ,both surrounded by hunters; two large coats of arms to upper right corner ; armorial shields [one uncoloured] to body of map. Original colour; paper lightly toned to margins, rust spot to lower left above scale; a few patches of light foxing mainly to left half of map,near scale and title.
Koeman1, Bl 16A 292(Ff) 450 by 555mm (17¾ by 21¾ inches).    €350
Stock No. 2196 - Europe full description


Le Comte dOldenbourg. Blaeu, Guiljemus. Le Comte d'Oldenbourg. "Oldenburg Comitatus." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Oldenburg from volume 1 of Joan Blaeu's "Le theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas." Double page; folio; French text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche with coat of arms. Original colour; light toning; printers creases not effecting image; light scattered spotting to blank margins,
Koeman1, Bl 16A 17([S)] 382 by 500mm (15 by 19¾ inches).    €300
Stock No. 2185 - Europe full description

The Duchy of Holstein, Germany.

Le Duche dHolsace. Blaeu, Guiljemus. Le Duche d'Holsace. "Ducatus Holsatiæ Nova tabula." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of the Duchy of Holstein from volume 1 of Joan Blaeu's"Le theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas." Double page; folio; French text to verso.
Decorative Map showing the Duchy of Holstein and part of Schleswig in Denmark; inset maps to upper corners; to the left "Alluvies prope Detzbul" showing the small islands of Detzbul, marked with letters on the main map; to the right, the inset map is entitled:" Tabula Barmerensis, Meggerensis et Noort Staeplerensismaris.." giving an enlarged view of the lakes of Stapelholm.
Compass roses to both the North & Baltic seas, extensive sandbanks shown off the coast in the North sea. Original colour;blank margins slightly soiled with a scattering of spots; light toning to North Sea.
Koeman1, Bl 16A [13(O)] 382 by 513mm (15 by 20¼ inches).    €350
Stock No. 2182 - Europe full description

The Duchy of Lunenburg, Germany.

Le Duche de Lunenburg. Blaeu, Guiljemus. Le Duche de Lunenburg. "Ducatus Lunenburgensis Adiacentiumq.regionum delineatio.Auctore Johanne Mellingero." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of the Duchy of Lunenburg from volume 1 of Joan Blaeu's"Le theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas." Double page; folio; French text to verso.
Decorative cartouche and scale. Original colour; minor foxing to image; adhesion at lower centre fold obscuring the town of Steinbruck..
Koeman1, Bl 16A 15([N)] 380 by 491mm (15 by 19¼ inches).    €300
Stock No. 2181 - Europe full description

The Duchy of Westphalia, Germany.

Le Duche de Westphalie. Blaeu, Guiljemus. Le Duche de Westphalie. "Westphalia ducatus, Auctore Joh. Gigante Medico et Mathmatico ." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of the Duchy of Westphalia from volume 1 of Joan Blaeu's "Le theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas." Double page; folio; French text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche ; armorial shields to body of map, Original colour; paper lightly toned; a few spots to blank margins.
Koeman1, Bl 16A [31*(Aa)] 383 by 494mm (15 by 19½ inches).    €300
Stock No. 2191 - Europe full description

Bentheim & Steinfurt, Germany.

Les Comtez de Bentheim & Steinfurt. Blaeu, Guiljemus. Les Comtez de Bentheim & Steinfurt. "Comitatus Bentheim et Steinfurt. Auctore Joanne Westenburg m. Doct. et Math." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Bentheim & Steinfurt from volume 1 of Joan Blaeu's "Le theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas." Double page; folio; French text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche with coats of arms; 6 armorial shields to body of map. Original colour; paper toned; A few spots to blank margins.
Koeman1, Bl 16A [182(X)] 378 by 495mm (15 by 19½ inches).    €300
Stock No. 2188 - Europe full description

Hirschfeldt, Germany.

Territoir delAbbaye de Hirschfeldt. Blaeu, Guiljemus. Territoir del'Abbaye de Hirschfeldt. "Territororium Abbatiæ Heresfedensis. 't Stift Hirschfeldt." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Herschfeldt from volume 1 of Joan Blaeu's "Le theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas." Double page; folio; French text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche surmounted by coat of arms and putti. Original colour; paper lightly toned to margins.
Koeman1, Bl 16A [183(Ee)] 389 by 495mm (15¼ by 19½ inches).    €300
Stock No. 2195 - Europe full description

Westphalia, Germany.

Westphalie. Blaeu, Guiljemus. Westphalie. "Circulis Westhalicus sive Germaniœ Inferioris." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Westphalia from volume 1 of Joan Blaeu's "Le theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas." Double page; folio; French text to verso.
Large decorative title cartouche with coat of arms, including miniature map of Hamburg. Original colour; short tear near lower centre fold, repaired; lower centre fold split, repaired.
Koeman1, Bl 16A [290(R)] 415 by 535mm (16¼ by 21 inches).    €350
Stock No. 2184 - Europe full description


Andalusia continens Sevillam & Cordubam. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Andalusia continens Sevillam & Cordubam. "Andaluzia continens Sevillam et Cordubam." Amsterdam Apud Johannem Guiljelmi F. Blaeu. c1655
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Andalucía from volume 2 of Joan Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus. Pars secunda." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche, the title on a lion skin stretched between columns; 2 coats of arms; compass rose, ships and galleys to sea. Bright original outline colour; good impression; light spotting from Corduba to compass rose; damp stain to lower corners and upper edge, far from image.
Koeman1, Bl 24C. 380 by 499mm (15 by 19¾ inches).    €375
Stock No. 3180 - Europe full description

The Kingdom of Arragon.

Arragonia et Navarra. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Arragonia et Navarra. "Arragonia Regnum." Amsterdam Apud Johannem Guiljelmi F. Blaeu. c1655
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Arragon from volume 2 of Joan Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus. Pars secunda." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Strap work title cartouche surmounted by 2 coats of arms; dedicatory cartouche with coat of arms; strap work scale; 5 further coats of arms.
Engraved after the map by João Batista Labanha (1555-1624). Bright original outline colour; good impression; damp stain to lower corners far from image; right edge with old fold [5mm].
Koeman1, Bl 24C. 418 by 520mm (16½ by 20½ inches).    €300
Stock No. 3172 - Europe full description

Artois, Northern France.

Artesia Comitatus, vulgo Artois. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Artesia Comitatus, vulgo Artois. " Artesia Comitatus. Artois" Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Artois from Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus .Partis Prima pars Altera." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Strap work title cartouche with scale , flanked by putti and surmounted by coat of arms; compass rose, ship and large fish to sea.
The map shows the County of Artois, now Northen France, The are was to change hands through marriages and wars between France and the Hapsburg Netherlands throughout the middle ages.
Artois in the course of the Franco-Spanish War was conquered by the troops of King Louis XIII of France in 1640 and reverted to French rule by the 1659 Treaty of the Pyrenees. Bright original colour; light damp stain to lower edge of blank margin; small brown spot in upper blamk margin.
Koeman1, Bl 23A. 380 by 500mm (15 by 19¾ inches).    €200
Stock No. 3148 - Europe full description

River maps: The Rhine and Meuse;

Batavia Vetus, sive Tractus Rheni, & Mosæ, Totiusque Vahallis, a divergio Rheni Gorcomium usque, cum terris adjacentibus Cliviæ, regno Neomgensi, & agro Bommeliano. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Batavia Vetus, sive Tractus Rheni, & Mosæ, Totiusque Vahallis, a divergio Rheni Gorcomium usque, cum terris adjacentibus Cliviæ, regno Neomgensi, & agro Bommeliano. "Tractus Rheni, & Mosæ, Totiusque Vahallis.... " Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved maps [2 on 1 plate] of the courses of the rivers Rhine and Meuse from Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus .Partis Prima pars Altera." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Strap work title cartouche to upper map, scale on plinth with figure and horses; strap work scale to lower map.

2 maps on one page showing the course of the major rivers Rhine, Waal and Maas from Gorinchem in the west to Rheinberck in Germany; the upper map shows the rivers from Gorinchem to Lobet and the lower map shows the continuation from Nijmegen to Rheinberck Original colour; light damp stain to edges of blank margins.
Koeman1, Bl 23A. 385 by 505mm (15¼ by 20 inches).    €400
Stock No. 3156 - Europe full description


Biscaia & Guipuscoa. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Biscaia & Guipuscoa. "Biscaia et Guipuscoa Cantabriæ Veteris Pars." Amsterdam Apud Johannem Guiljelmi F. Blaeu. c1655
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Biscay from volume 2 of Joan Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus. Pars secunda." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche and strap work scale flanked by a putti and a cat; ships and compass rose to sea; coat of arms to upper left and empty shield to upper right. Bright original outline colour; good impression; damp stain to lower corners far from image.
Koeman1, Bl 24C. 383 by 500mm (15 by 19¾ inches).    €350
Stock No. 3174 - Europe full description

443 results (displaying results 61 - 90) First « 1 2 3 4 5 6» Last

Company: Bryan, Mary Louise. Address: Ag. Andrianoy 92 , 21 100 Nafplio, Greece.
Vat No: EL 119092581