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Northern Russia.

Moscoviæ Pars Sept. & Orient Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Moscoviæ Pars Sept. & Orient "Russiæ, vulgo Moscovia dicta Partes Septentrionalis et Orientalis." Amsterdam Apud Johannem Guiljelmi F. Blaeu. c1645
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Northern & Eastern Russia from Joan Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus ." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Strap work cartouche & scale; coat of arms; ship to sea and animals to body of map.
The map shows the Northern part of Russia from Finland to just beyond the Jenisej River and south to the Volga River including the cities of Jaroslavl, Niznij Novgorod, and Kazan, with Tobolsk to the Northeast. Bright original outline colour; good impression; small dampstains to upper edge and larger dampstains to lower blank margin, far from image.
Koeman1, Bl 23A. 420 by 542mm (16½ by 21¼ inches).    €450
Stock No. 3101 - Europe full description

County of Namur.

Namurcum Comitatus. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Namurcum Comitatus. " Namurcum Comitatus. Auctore Johann Surhonio." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Namur from Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus .Partis Prima pars Altera." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche surmounted by coats of arms; large strap work scale cartouche; compass on pedestal held by figure.
The map shows the county of Namur. Bright original colour; damp stain upper and lower edges of blank margin, far from image.
Koeman1, Bl 23A. 410 by 526mm (16¼ by 20¾ inches).    €200
Stock No. 3150 - Europe full description

The Kingdom of Navarre

Navarra Regnum. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Navarra Regnum. "Navarra Regnum." Amsterdam Apud Johannem Guiljelmi F. Blaeu. c1655
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Navarre from volume 2 of Joan Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus. Pars secunda." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche surrounded by soldiers; large coat of arms ; strap work scale; 4 further coats of arms. Bright original outline colour; good impression; damp stain to lower corners far from image.
Koeman1, Bl 24C. 418 by 520mm (16½ by 20½ inches).    €350
Stock No. 3173 - Europe full description


Portugalia nec non Algarbia. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Portugalia nec non Algarbia. "Portugalia et Algarbia quæ olim Lusitania. Auctore Vermando Alverrro Secco." Amsterdam Apud Johannem Guiljelmi F. Blaeu. c1655
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Portugal from volume 2 of Joan Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus. Pars secunda." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche flanked by 2 Arab geographers; strap work scale; 2 coast of arms; compass roses, ships and Posidon to sea.
After the map by Fernando Alvares Seco, who is credited with creating the first modern map of Portugal.
The Arabic figures on either side of the title cartouche represent the earlier period in Portugal's history when Algarve and Portugal to the south of the Tejo were under Muslim dominion. Bright original outline colour; good impression; damp stain to lower corners and upper edge, far from image.
Koeman1, Bl 24C. 380 by 500mm (15 by 19¾ inches).    €600
Stock No. 3181 - Europe full description


Prussia. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Prussia. "Prussia Accurata Descripta a Gasparo Henneberg Erlichsi. " Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Prussia from volume 1 of Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus ." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche surmounted by coat of arms and flanked by allegorical figures ships to the sea. Original colour; light damp stain to edge of lower blank margin; short centre fold split at lower blank margin ..
Koeman1, Bl 23A. 395 by 505mm (15½ by 20 inches).    €450
Stock No. 3130 - Europe full description

Central Holland.

Rhenolandia. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Rhenolandia. "Rhenolandiæ et Amstellandiæ exactisima Tabula. " Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of North Holland from Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus. Partis Prima pars Altera." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche; by coat of arms within wreath; Strapwork key to lower right corner; ships and compass roses.
The map shows Central Holland, Leyden, Haarlem, Amsterdam and Gouda. Original colour; light damp stain to edges of blank margins.
Koeman1, Bl 23A. 408 by 502mm (16 by 19¾ inches).    €500
Stock No. 3159 - Europe full description

Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania & Wallachia.

Servia, Walachia, Bulgaria & Romania Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Servia, Walachia, Bulgaria & Romania ""Walachia Servia, Bulgaria, Romania "" Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania & Wallachia from volume 1 of Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus ." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
The map after Mercator, shows part of the Ottoman Empire: the countries of the Balkans, including part of the Greek province of Macedonia across to the Albanian coast with part of Moldavia to the north.
Decorative title cartouche surmounted by Ottoman weapons and shield. Original colour; light toning to edges of blank margins.
Koeman1, Bl 23A. 387 by 507mm (15¼ by 20 inches).    €400
Stock No. 3126 - Europe full description

Crimea, Ukraine.

Taurica Chersonesus. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Taurica Chersonesus. ""Taurica Chersonesus Nostra ætate Prezecop et Gazara dicitur"." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Crimea and part of Ukraine from Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus ." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
The map after Mercator shows the Crimean Peninsular on the Black Sea with the land now Ukraine and part of Asia minor. Original colour; light toning to edges of blank margins.
Koeman1, Bl 23A. 380 by 500mm (15 by 19¾ inches).    €400
Stock No. 3124 - Europe full description

Brabant: Antwerp.

Tertia pars Brabantia civitas Antwerpia et Marchionatus S.R.Imperii. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Tertia pars Brabantia civitas Antwerpia et Marchionatus S.R.Imperii. "Tertia pars Brabantia qua continetur Marchionat.S.R.I horum urbs primaria Antverpia.." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of the area round Antwerp from Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus .Partis Prima pars Altera." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche surrounded by coats of arms; scale surmounted by figures of geographers; coats of arms upper right.
The map shows the area around Antwerp extending from Leuven at the left of plate, Antwerp at top, and Breda to the right of plate. Bright original colour; damp stain to upper corners, and edge of lower blank margin, far from image.
Koeman1, Bl 23A. 420 by 524mm (16½ by 20¾ inches).    €300
Stock No. 3136 - Europe full description


Transisalania, vulgo Over-Yssel. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Transisalania, vulgo Over-Yssel. "Transisalania Dominium vernacule Over-Yssel. " Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Overijssel from Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus. Partis Prima pars Altera." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche flanked by figures strap work explicatio cartouche, surmounted by coat of arms, anotherdecorative coat of arms and numerous small shields to body of map. Original colour; damp stains to blank margins, and also light cockling to upper right corner within plate.
Koeman1, Bl 23A. 415 by 520mm (16¼ by 20½ inches).    €300
Stock No. 3165 - Europe full description

Transilvania, Romania.

Transsylvania. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Transsylvania. "Transilvania Sibenburgen." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Transilvania, Romania from volume 1 of Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus ." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche surmounted by coat of arms.
The map shows the region of Transilvania, at the time part of Hungary, now Romania; the major city are Alba Iulia or Weißenburg. Original colour;light damp stain to edge of lower blank margin; light toning to edges of blank margins.
Koeman1, Bl 23A. 385 by 497mm (15¼ by 19½ inches).    €400
Stock No. 3127 - Europe full description

Valencia, Spain.

Valencia. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Valencia. "Valentia Regnum; Contestana, Ptol. Edentana, Plin.." Amsterdam Apud Johannem Guiljelmi F. Blaeu. c1655
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Valencia from volume 2 of Joan Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus. Pars secunda." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Strap work title cartouche surmounted by coat of arms ,and scale; compass rose, fish and ships to sea. Bright original outline colour; good impression; damp stain to lower corners far from image.
Koeman1, Bl 24C. 386 by 505mm (15¼ by 20 inches).    €300
Stock No. 3171 - Europe full description

North Holland.

West -Frisia sive Hollandia Borealis. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. West -Frisia sive Hollandia Borealis. "Hollandiæ pars Septenttrionalis vulgo Westvriesland en 'Tnoordier Quartier " Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of North Holland from Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus. Partis Prima pars Altera." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Title cartouche, surmounted by coat of arms and flanked by merpeople; ships and compass roses.
The map shows North Holland, Amsterdam and the polders. Original colour; light damp stain to edges of blank margins.
Koeman1, Bl 23A. 385 by 500mm (15¼ by 19¾ inches).    €350
Stock No. 3158 - Europe full description


Zutphania. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Zutphania. " Zutphania Comitatus" Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of the Dutch province of Zutphen from Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus .Partis Prima pars Altera." Half page; folio; set in page of Latin text; Latin text to verso.
Strap work title cartouche Original colour.
Koeman1, Bl 23A. 220 by 265mm (8¾ by 10½ inches).    €200
Stock No. 3154 - Europe full description


Alemagne Blaeu, Joan. Alemagne "Novus Totius Germaniæ Descriptio. " Amsterdam Apud Guiljeelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Germany from volume 1 of Joan Blaeu's"Le theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas." Double page; folio; French text to verso.
Coat of arms with double headed eagle. Original colour; paper evenly toned; printed slightly crooked on sheet.
Koeman1, Bl 16A [104(A)] 393 by 498mm (15½ by 19½ inches).    €400
Stock No. 2173 - Europe full description

Trier/ Treves, Germany

Archevesche de Treves. Blaeu, Joh. et Cornelius. Archevesche de Treves. "Archipiscopatus Treverensis." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of the bishopric of Trier/Trevesfrom volume 1 of Joan Blaeu's "Le theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas." Double page; folio; French text to verso.
The map shows the course of the Moselle river and the surrounding area including Luxembourg.
Decorative title cartouche surmounted by bishops mitre and coat of arms, the archbishop standing toone side ; armorial shields to body of map. Original colour; blank margins slightly soiled with 3 spots at extreme lower edge.
Koeman1, Bl 16A [291/Bbbb] 415 by 493mm (16¼ by 19½ inches).    €300
Stock No. 2217 - Europe full description

Glatz, Kłodzko Lower Silesia.

Comte De Glatz. Blaeu, Joh.et Cornel Comte De Glatz. "Comitatus Glatz Authore Jona Scultato " Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Glatz, Lower Silesia from volume 1 of Joan Blaeu's "Le theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas." Double page; folio; French text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche and scale. Original colour; spotting to blank margins, one spot to image near the town of Brauna just above scale; light toning to lower left corner
Koeman1, Bl 16A [287Qq)] 417 by 502mm (16½ by 19¾ inches).    €300
Stock No. 2235 - Europe full description

Stavanger, Norway.

Evesche de Stavanger avec les voisins. Blaeu, Joh.et Cornel Evesche de Stavanger avec les voisins. "Diœcesis Stavangriensis & partes aliquot vicinæ,operâ L. Scavenii,S.S." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Stavanger, Norway from volume 1 of Joan Blaeu's "Le theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas." Double page; folio; French text to verso.
The map shows the peninsular of Stavangar, and Bergen.
Decorative title cartouche and 2 coats of arms; ships to the sea. Original colour; light even toning ;spotted; dark stainto centrefold [approx15mm]; cvrease to left lower corner
Koeman1, Bl 16A [277(H)] 417 by 500mm (16½ by 19¾ inches).    €650
Stock No. 2230 - Europe full description

Glogów, Lower Silesia.

Glogaw Blaeu, Joh.et Cornel Glogaw "Ductus Silesiæ Glogani vera delineatio Secundo Curâ ac labore confecta A Jona Scultato Sprotta-Silesio" Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Glogów, Lower Silesia from volume 1 of Joan Blaeu's "Le theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas." Double page; folio; French text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche.. Original colour.
Koeman1, Bl 16A [286(Pp)] 425 by 510mm (16¾ by 20 inches).    €300
Stock No. 2234 - Europe full description

Lower Silesia.

Silesie Inferiuere. Blaeu, Joh.et Cornel Silesie Inferiuere. "Silesia Inferior Sereniß. ac Celsiss Principbus ac Dominis Dn Georgio, Dn Ludovico, Dn Christiano, Fratribus,Ducibus Silesiæ Lignniciens. ac Bergensibus Dominis gratiosißimis Dicata à Jona Scultato Sprotta-Silesio" Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Lower Silesia from volume 1 of Joan Blaeu's "Le theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas." Double page; folio; French text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche.and armorial shields to body of map Original colour; minor spotting to blank margins.
Koeman1, Bl 16A [285(Oo)] 415 by 515mm (16¼ by 20¼ inches).    €300
Stock No. 2233 - Europe full description

Frankfurt, Germany.

Territoir de Francfort sur le Mein. Blaeu, Johan et Cornel. Territoir de Francfort sur le Mein. "Novam Hanc Territorii Francofurtensis Tabulam...." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of the area around Frankfurt from volume 1 of Joan Blaeu's "Le theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas." Double page; folio; French text to verso.
Title cartouche with long dedication "The most noble, most magnificent and most prudent lords, the sheriff, burgomasters, aldermen and councillors of this famous city and republic of Frankfurt, most distinguished, most friendly and most incorruptible men, to these their lord protectors, with humble reverence."
The map which focuses on Frankfurt is surrounded by 34 coats of arms of the magistrates of Frankfurt . Above the map are allegorical figures of Justice, Wisdom, Unity and Peace; Justice holds with the arms of the Holy Roman Empire and Peace the arms of the city of Frankfurt. Bright original colour; paper lightly toned to margins; a few spots to blank margins; light crease near centrefold.
Koeman1, Bl 16A [293(Dd)] 457 by 553mm (18 by 21¾ inches).    €850
Stock No. 2194 - Europe full description

Thüringen, Germany.

Le Pays de Thuringe. Blaeu, Johan et Cornelium Le Pays de Thuringe. "Thuringia Landgraviatus Auct. Adolario Ericho Anderslebiano." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Thüringen from volume 1 of Joan Blaeu's "Le theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas." Double page; folio; French text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche surrounde by putti; two coats of arms, one above cartouche with dedication to Joachim Vicofortio. Original colour; paper lightly toned; light spotting to margins.
Koeman1, Bl 16A [123(Gg)] 415 by 527mm (16¼ by 20¾ inches).    €300
Stock No. 2197 - Europe full description

Panorama of Stockholm.

Stockholm. Bodenehr, Gabriel Stockholm. "Die Kõnigl. Schwedische Haupt. u Residenz Stadt Stockholm." Augsburg Bodenehr , Gabriel. c1730-40
Copper engraved panoramic view of Stockholm from Gabriel Bodenehr's "Europe Pracht und Macht". Black & white as published.
Poseidon in the foreground pointing down at the city.
Text below the view identifying the important buildings in the city. with two medallions either end Title on decorative banner to sky,held by two putti. Dark impression; folded. Foxing to upper blank margin and lower left corner
170 by 496mm (6¾ by 19½ inches).    €500
Stock No. 2031 - Europe full description

Rare view of Aachen, Germany.

Braun & Hogenberg. Frans Hogenberg & Simon Novellanus` Aachen. [Aix-la-Chapelle. ] "Aquisgranum" [ "Aich"] Cologne Theodori Graminæi. 1572
Copper engraved view of Aachen from the first volume of Braun & Hogenberg's "Civitas Orbis Terrarum. " Latin text to verso. The rare first state view, which was replaced with a town plan in later editions
Aachen, [Aix-la-Chapelle] was the winter residence of Charlemagne, and the site of coronations of the Kings of Germany. Dark impression; a few light stains to blank margins.
Keoman vol2; B&H1/12 290 by 362mm (11½ by 14¼ inches).    €650
Stock No. 1649 - Europe full description

Bird's eye View of Amsterdam.

Amsterdam. Braun & Hogenberg. Amsterdam. Amsterdanum. Cologne G. von Kempen 1575
Black and white, copper engraved birds eye view of Amsterdam from the first volume of Braun & Hogenberg's Civitas Orbis Terrarum. French text to verso.
Very desirable and early town-plan of Amsterdam from a north-easterly direction. With a numbered key (1-28) in lower left corner.

On the left-hand side we can see how the mouth of the River Amstel has been dammed and its waters channeled into canals and made to pass through the city before flowing out into the Zuiderzee (today the IJsselmeer). The canals, which were used to transport imported goods to the counting houses located all over the city, are lined with private houses, commercial buildings and warehouses. In the center of the plan, the old town hall (Stadhuis, 21) and the neighboring Nieue Kerk (23) are also clearly recognizable. With its depiction of the heavy shipping traffic inside the harbour and on the Zuiderzee, the engraving conveys an impression of the contemporary scale of trade conducted in the continually expanding metropolis.
In the 13th century Amsterdam was simply a small fishing port built on marshy ground. In 1300 it was granted its municipal charter and in 1369 became a member of the Hansa. Not until the beginning of the 1600s did the city finally establish itself as the leading center of trade and the constantly expanding hub of a global financial and commercial empire.
This Golden Age brought not only an economic boom but also a flowering of the sciences and arts, which lasted until the end of the 17th century.

[Taschen, Braun and Hogenberg, p.78.] Dark impression; light toning and soiling; spo tbelow Title cartouche [ lighter to left side where it has been treansferrred] ; 4 spots to upper centre fold.; split at lower centrefold entering plate 1cm, with old repair to verso
Keoman 2; B&H 14, [plate 21]. 340 by 485mm (13½ by 19 inches).    €1200
Stock No. 3213 - Europe full description

Augsburg, Germany.

Augsburg. Braun & Hogenberg. Frans Hogenberg & Simon Novellanus` Augsburg. "Augusta Vindelicorum". Cologne Theodori Graminæi. 1572
Copper engraved birdseye view of Augsburg from the first volume of Braun & Hogenberg's "Civitas Orbis Terrarum. " Latin text to verso. First state. Dark impression; a few light stains, mainly to blank margins.
Keoman vol2; B&H1/39 332 by 480mm (13 by 19 inches).    €350
Stock No. 1661 - Europe full description

The 13 Cantons of the Old Swiss Confederacy.

Cantons of Switzerland. Braun & Hogenberg. Frans Hogenberg & Simon Novellanus` Cantons of Switzerland. "Decem et Tria Loca Confoederatorum Helvetiae. " Cologne Theodori Graminæi. 1572
13 copper engraved views of the original 13 Cantons of the Swiss confederacy from the first volume of Braun & Hogenberg's "Civitas Orbis Terrarum. " Latin text to verso. First state. 13 views on 1 plate.
The views are: Suicia- Schwytz; Sylvania- Underwalden; Tugium-Zug; Glarona- Glaris; Basilea- Basell; Tygurum-Zurich; Civitas Ursina-Bern; Lucerna-Lucern; Ursella-Uri; Fiburgum- Fryburg; Civitas Soluterensis -Solothurn; Shaphusia- Schaffhussen; Appencella- Appenzell. Each gives the date of joining the confederacy. Good impression; a few light stains, mainly to blank margins; tear at lower centre fold [4cm]; red ink doodle to right margin.
View of Basle with full old colour; Glaris and Zurich with old col
Keoman vol2; B&H1/32 365 by 467mm (14¼ by 18½ inches). Each view in upper row approx 98x77mm; 2nd row 100x107mm; lower ro    €450
Stock No. 1664 - Europe full description

View of Gdańsk.

Danzich. Braun & Hogenberg. Danzich. Dantzigt. Gedanum , Krantio in Sua Wandalia gdanum; vulgo, sed Corruptè, Dantiscum, Germanicè Dantzigt... Cologne G. von Kempen 1575
Black and white, copper engraved view of Gdańsk from the second volume of Braun & Hogenberg's Civitas Orbis Terrarum. French text to verso.
2 coats of arms either side of title on banner; descriptive cartouche to lower left
Gdańsk. is one of the oldest cities in Poland.
Founded by the Polish ruler Mieszko I in the 10th century, the city was for a long time part of Piast state either directly or as a fief. In 1308 the city became part of the Monastic State of the Teutonic Knights until the 15th century. Thereafter it became part of Poland again, although with increasing autonomy. A vital naval city for Polish grain trade it attracted people from all over the European continent, including Germans and Scots. The city was taken over by Prussia during the Second Partition of Poland in 1793 and subsequently lost its importance as a trading port. Briefly becoming a free city during Napoleonic wars, it was again Prussian after Napoleon's defeat, and later became part of the newly created German Empire.
After World War I the Free City of Danzig was created, a city-state under the supervision of the League of Nations. It would return to Poland after the 2nd World War Dark impression; orange dust staining to centre fold.
Keoman 2; B&H 14, [plate 46]. 328 by 482mm (13 by 19 inches).    €750
Stock No. 3218 - Europe full description

Dresden & Leipsig, German Cities.

Dresden & Leipzig. Braun & Hogenberg. Frans Hogenberg & Simon Novellanus` Dresden & Leipzig. "Dresda Florentismum Misnæ" & "Lipsia". Cologne Theodori Graminæi. 1572
2 copper engraved views of the Dresden & Leipzig from the first volume of Braun & Hogenberg's "Civitas Orbis Terrarum. " Latin text to verso. First state.
2 views on 1 plate. Good impression; occasional spotting & a few light stains to blank margins; ink blot to lower blank margin.
Keoman vol2; B&H1/28 331 by 477mm (13 by 18¾ inches). Dresden: 159x477m; leipzig:155x477mm.    €500
Stock No. 1655 - Europe full description

Frankfurt, Germany.

Frankfurt am Main. Braun & Hogenberg. Frans Hogenberg & Simon Novellanus` Frankfurt am Main. "Civitas Francfordiana - Francofortum ad Moenum. " Cologne Theodori Graminæi. 1572
Copper engraved birdseye view of Frankfurt am Main from the first volume of Braun & Hogenberg's "Civitas Orbis Terrarum. " Latin text to verso. First state. Good impression; occasional spotting & a few light stains.
Keoman vol2; B&H1/35 332 by 480mm (13 by 19 inches).    €650
Stock No. 1657 - Europe full description

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Company: Bryan, Mary Louise. Address: Ag. Andrianoy 92 , 21 100 Nafplio, Greece.
Vat No: EL 119092581