Mansfeld, Germany
Ortelius, Abraham.
Mansueldiæ Comitatus. "Mansfeldiae Comitatus Descriptio..." "
Antverpiæ"/Antwerp. "
ex Officiana Plantiana" . Plantijn Christoffel. 1595
Copper engraved map of Mansfeld, Germany from Ortelius' "
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" 1595 edition; black & white. Latin text to verso. Good dark impression; 2 light spots at the top of the map.
Van de Krogt :3; .Koeman: Ort29:53 [58]; Broecke: 94. 370 by 430mm (14½ by 17 inches).
The Duchy Of Milan.
Ortelius, Abraham.
Mediolanansis Ducatus. "Ducatus Medialanensis.." "
Antverpiæ"/Antwerp.. "
ex Officiana Plantiana" . Plantijn Christoffel.. 1595
Copper engraved map of the Duchy of Milan after Johannes Georgio Septalmediollanses from Ortelius' "
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" 1595 edition; black & white. Latin text to verso.
Ships and monsters decorate the sea. Good dark impression.
Van de Krogt :3; .Koeman: Ort29 :74 [33]. 380 by 475mm (15 by 18¾ inches).
Bavaria, Germany with Strasburg.
Ortelius, Abraham.
Nortgoia,vel Bavariae Palitanatus; Argeninense Territorium. "Palitanatus Bavariae Descriptio..." & "
Argentoratensis Agri Descriptio." "
Antverpiæ"/Antwerp. "
ex Officiana Plantiana" . Plantijn Christoffel. 1595
2 copper engraved maps of Imperial Bavaria [after
Erhardo Reych] & Strassburg, from Ortelius' "
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" 1595 edition; black & white. Latin text to verso. Good dark impression; dampstaining to lower blank margin.
Van de Krogt :3; .Koeman: Ort29: 66[94]; Broecke: 112a,b. 305 by 490mm (12 by 19¼ inches).
Mexico /New Spain. Americas.
Ortelius, Abraham.
Nova Hispania "Hispaniae Novae sive Magnae, Recens et Vera decritio 1579." "
Antverpiæ"/Antwerp. "
ex Officiana Plantiana" . Plantijn Christoffel. 1595
Copper engraved map of Nova Hispania ; South West Mexico from Ortelius' "
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" 1595 edition; black & white. Latin text to verso.
2 decorative cartouches ; gallions to sea. Good dark impression; wormhole [3mm] to lower centre fold; another to upper blank margin; minor lifting of paper /fault, upper plate close to "Septemtrio" minor loss to plate.
Van de Krogt :3; .Koeman: Ort29/ 7; van den Broecke:13. 345 by 502mm (13½ by 19¾ inches).
Ortelius, Abraham.
Pedemontana Regio. "
Pedemontanae Vicinorumque Regionum auctore Iacobo Castado descrip." "
Antverpiæ"/Antwerp.. "
ex Officiana Plantiana" . Plantijn Christoffel.. 1595
Copper engraved map of Piedmont from Ortelius' "
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" 1595 edition; black & white. Latin text to verso.
The map of shows the extent of Piedmont from the Alps in the North West and the coast from Monacco to beyond Genoa to Codemonte below the Appenines.; it also clearly shows the catchment area of the river Po. Good dark impression; crack in the plate at lower edge at longitude 29; centrefold split, repaired, and light stain to lower margin.
Van de Krogt :3; .Koeman: Ort29 :77 [34]. 370 by 490mm (14½ by 19¼ inches).
The Mediterranean Sea showing theTravels of Saint Paul.
Ortelius, Abraham.
Perigranatio divi Pauli. "Peregranationis Divi Puali typus Corogrphicus..." "
Antverpiæ"/Antwerp.. "
ex Officiana Plantiana" . Plantijn Christoffel.. 1595
Copper engraved map of the Eastern Mediterranean showing the travels of St.Paul from "
The Parergon " of Ortelius' "
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" 1595 edition; black & white. Latin text to verso.
2 vignette scenes either side of title, at the top depicting the conversion of Paul on the road to Damascus & his shipwreck on Malta:
'Abrah. Ortelius describebat 1579', is engraved lower left.
Biblical text below from 2 Corinthians .ships and monsters to the sea. Good dark impression; wormtrack [10mm] to centre fold within the biblical text; upper centrefold split with old repair.
Van de Krogt :3; .Koeman: Ort29 d [1P];Zacherakis: 2493/1615; van den Broecke:181. 350 by 500mm (13¾ by 19¾ inches).
Picardy, France.
Ortelius, Abraham.
Picardia. "
Picardiae, Belgicæ regionis Descriptio..." "
Antverpiæ"/Antwerp. "
ex Officiana Plantiana" . Plantijn Christoffel. 1595
Copper engraved map of Picardy, formerly in Belgium (after
Johannes Surhon) from Ortelius' "
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" 1595 edition; black & white. Latin text to verso. Good dark impression; some spotting to blank margins.
Van de Krogt :3; .Koeman: Ort29: 27 [77]; Broecke:46. 330 by 510mm (13 by 20 inches).
Poitiers, France.
Ortelius, Abraham.
Pictavia. "Poictou / Poictonum Vicinarumque regionum Fidiss Descriptio.." "
Antverpiæ"/Antwerp. "
ex Officiana Plantiana" . Plantijn Christoffel. 1595
Copper engraved map of Poitiers/ Poitou, France from Ortelius' "
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" 1595 edition; black & white. Latin text to verso.
With 2 title cartouches, the map shows the region of Poitiers to the Atlantic coast with the islands of Oleron & de Re. Good dark impression.
Van de Krogt :3; .Koeman: Ort29: 23 [75]; Broecke:38. 360 by 505mm (14¼ by 20 inches).
The Black Sea.
Ortelius, Abraham.
Pontus Euxinus. "Pontus Euxinus Aequor Iasonis pulsatum remige primum. ...1590" "
Antverpiæ"/Antwerp.. "
ex Officiana Plantiana" . Plantijn Christoffel.. 1595
Copper engraved map of the Black Sea from "
The Parergon " of Ortelius' "
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" 1595 edition; black & white. Latin text to verso.
Decorative cartouche. Good impression.
Van de Krogt :3; .Koeman: Ort29 T [17P]:Zacherakis: 2506/1623; van den Broecke:213. 355 by 501mm (14 by 19¾ inches).
The Kingdom of Portugal.
Ortelius, Abraham.
Portugalila Regnum. "Portuglliae que olim Lusitania....." "
Antverpiæ"/Antwerp. "
ex Officiana Plantiana" . Plantijn Christoffel. 1595
Copper engraved map of Portugal from Ortelius' "
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" 1595 edition; black & white. Latin text to verso.
Ships & monsters to the sea. Good dark impression.
Van de Krogt :3; .Koeman: Ort29 17 [8]; Broecke:26. 340 by 510mm (13½ by 20 inches).
Saxony & Thüringen, Germany.
Ortelius, Abraham.
Saxonia. "Saxoniae, Misniae, Thuringiae, Nova Exactissimo Q[ue] Descriptio." "
Antverpiæ"/Antwerp. "
ex Officiana Plantiana" . Plantijn Christoffel. 1595
Copper engraved map of Saxony & Thüringen, Germany from Ortelius' "
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" 1595 edition; black & white. Latin text to verso. Good dark impression; 2 light spots at the top of the map.
Van de Krogt :3; .Koeman: Ort29:52 [23]; Broecke: 93. 345 by 505mm (13½ by 20 inches).
Basel, Switzerland & Schwaben, Southern Germany.
Ortelius, Abraham.
Sueuiæ Circulus; Basiliense Territorium. "
Basiliensis Terratorium Descriptio Nova." with"
Circulus sive Liga Sueuiae Vulgo Schwabsche Kraiß." "
Antverpiæ"/Antwerp. "
ex Officiana Plantiana" . Plantijn Christoffel. 1595
2 copper engraved maps on 1 plate of the the territories of Basle, Switzerland & Schwaben ,Southern Germany, from Ortelius' "
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" 1595 edition; black & white. Latin text to verso.
Basle after Sebastian Munster; Schwaben after David Seltzen in 1572. Good dark impression; light waterstain to edge of lower margin.
Van de Krogt :3; .Koeman: Ort29 68 [61]; Broecke:114a,b. 320 by 500mm (12½ by 19¾ inches).
Mount Olympus the Home of the Gods.
Ortelius, Abraham.
Tempe, Thessalica. "Tempe" "
Antverpiæ"/Antwerp.. "
ex Officiana Plantiana" . Plantijn Christoffel.. 1595
Copper engraved print of the vale of Tempe & Mount Olympus, Thessaly from "
The Parergon " of Ortelius' "
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" 1595 edition; black & white. Latin text to verso. Good dark impression; light dampstaining to lower blank, margin, slightly darker at centrefold.
Van de Krogt :3; .Koeman: Ort29 h [24P]; van den Broecke:231. 352 by 480mm (13¾ by 19 inches).
Miniature Map of Terceira, Azores from the First English World Atlas.
Ortelius, Abraham.
Phillip Galle.
Tercera. "Terçera." At London [Henry Swingenius for] John Norton, 1602
Copper engraved miniature map of Terciera, Azores from "
An Epitome of Ortelius his Theatre of the Worlde" English text to verso [ a description of Spain the succeeding map, which it would face].
The map is the plate by Phillip Galle as published in the Latin edition printed by Vrients in Antwerp in 1601. The island is surrounded by ships and whales in the sea. Good impression; some light soiling mainly to blank margins; small spot to lower blank margin; tiny worm track and pinholes to lower blank margin, far from printed area.
Koeman III Ort 62; Phillips 3407; STC 18857 77 by 104mm (3 by 4 inches).
Ditmarschen & Oldenburg, Germany.
Ortelius, Abraham.
Thietmarsia; Oldenburgum. "Tietmarsiae, Holsaticae Regionis Partis typus.."& "
Oldenburg Comit." "
Antverpiæ"/Antwerp. "
ex Officiana Plantiana" . Plantijn Christoffel. 1595
2 copper engraved maps of Ditmarschen (after
Pietro Boeckel) & Oldenburg, Germany from Ortelius' "
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" 1595 edition; black & white. Latin text to verso. Good dark impression.
Van de Krogt :3; .Koeman: Ort29:50 [101b & 109a]; Broecke: 90 a,b. 340 by 475mm (13½ by 18¾ inches).
Decorative Title Page.
Ortelius, Abraham.
Title page "
Parergon; Historiæ Oculus Geographia." "
Antverpiæ"/Antwerp. "
ex Officiana Plantiana" . Plantijn Christoffel. 1595
Copper engraved decorative title page of the Pareragon from Ortelius'
"Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" 1595 edition; black & white. Latin text to verso. Good impression; paper evenly toned; 2 dark spots to extreme outer edge of page; worm track 15mm to left margin
Van de Krogt :3; .Koeman: Ort29/ 300 by 230mm (11¾ by 9 inches).
Thüringen & Meissen, Germany.
Ortelius, Abraham.
Turingia; Misnia. "Turingiae Noviss Descript..." & "
Misniae et Lusatiae Tabula..." "
Antverpiæ"/Antwerp. "
ex Officiana Plantiana" . Plantijn Christoffel. 1595
2 copper engraved maps of Thüringen [after
Ioannem Mellinger Halens] & Meissen [after
Bartholemeo Scultetus ]Germany from Ortelius' "
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" 1595 edition; black & white. Latin text to verso. Good dark impression; light dampstain to edges of lower blank margin.
Van de Krogt :3; .Koeman: Ort29:55 [59]; Broecke: 96a,b. 295 by 460mm (11½ by 18 inches).
Westphalia, Germany.
Ortelius, Abraham.
Westphalia. "Westphaliae totius Finitimrumque Regionum Accurata Descriptio." "
Antverpiæ"/Antwerp. "
ex Officiana Plantiana" . Plantijn Christoffel. 1595
Copper engraved map of Westphalia, Germany from Ortelius' "
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" 1595 edition; black & white. Latin text to verso. Good impression; crack in plate at lower ledt corner; lightprinters ink smudges to lower area of map;rust spot to upper blank margin, just outside printed area.
Van de Krogt :3; .Koeman: Ort29:51 [85]; Broecke: 91. 345 by 500mm (13½ by 19¾ inches).
The Duchy Of Würtenburg, Germany.
Ortelius, Abraham.
Wirtembergensis Ducatus. "Wirtenberg Ducatus...." "
Antverpiæ"/Antwerp. "
ex Officiana Plantiana" . Plantijn Christoffel. 1595
Copper engraved map of Würtenburg [after
Georgio Gadnero] from Ortelius' "
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" 1595 edition; black & white. Latin text to verso. Good dark impression; light spot at centrefold; dampstaining to lower blank margin.
Van de Krogt :3; .Koeman: Ort29: 67[88]; Broecke: 113. 385 by 44mm (15¼ by 1¾ inches).
Portrait of a Lady in a Pearl Necklace.
painted by François Pascal Simon, Baron Gérard
Portrait of a Lady. No title. Paris G.Engelmann c.1822
Black and white lithograph portait of an unidentified, lady, after a painting by François Pascal Simon, Baron Gérard, lithographed by G. Engelmann. and Weber. India paper.
A stunning head and shoulders portrait of an unidentified, possibly Royal, lady, by the famous French artist Baron Gérard. The portrait was formerly bound in to a copy of Pancouke's
Description de L'Egypt [dedicated to Louis XVIII,] but we have not been able to identify the sitter. Bright and clean; some spots to blank margins of paper upon which it is laid.
408 by 305mm (16 by 12 inches).
The Famous Beauty Mary Horneck.
Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Engrav'd by R. Dunkarton.
Miss Horneck. "
Miss Horneck." London. Wr. Shropshire, No.158, New Bond Street. 1778
Scarce Mezzotint after Sir Joshua Reynolds, of Miss Horneck, (1753-1840), actress later Mrs. Mary Gwyn wife of General Gwyn; Oliver Goldsmith's
Jessamy Bride .Later hand colour.
The original painting by Reynolds was exhibited Royal Academy in 1775 .
The portrait shows the actress in Turkish attire kneeling.
Mary Horneck was the younger daughter of Captain Kane William Horneck and Hannah Horneck. Upon the death of their father the sisters become wards of Sir Joshua Reynolds, the family being old Devonshire acquaintances of his. They lived in London with their mother, and were key beauties and wits in society. Goldsmith, who knew them well, playfully named Miss Catherine
Little Comedy [from the resemblance between her face and that of the allegorical figure of Comedy in one of Reynolds's portraits of Garrick] and gave Mary the loving nickname of the
Jessamy Bride.
The family travelled with Goldsmith to Paris and he visited Catherine shortly after her marriage to the famous charicaturist Henry William Bunbury. The sisters' social as well as personal charms are uniformly spoken of by all. Mary, who did not marry till after Goldsmith's death, lived long enough to be admired by Hazlitt, to whom she talked of the poet with affection unabated by age, till he "could almost fancy the shade of Goldsmith in the room, looking round with complacency." Good impressionwith later hand colour; slight wrinkling; lower margin trimmed to 8mm from plate mark; laid to guard on left margin, edge of left margin chipped.
Chaloner Smith 25; Russell 25.III; Hamilton p.109.II;Maxted p.204. 500 by 355mm (19¾ by 14 inches).
Town plan of Iraklion, Crete.
Peeters, Jacques.
Peeters, Jacques excudit. .
Iraklion. "
Candia." Antwerp Peeters, Jacques. after1685
Decorative copper engraved town plan by Jacques Peeters of Candia- Iraklion from
"Description Des Principales des Villes. . . . " , Modern hand colour; verso blank.
The plate is decorated with numerous ships to the sea, banner title "
Candia" above ; Key below. Dark impression.; mounted.
Blackmer/Navari: 1276; Laor 1091-1093, Koeman III p94 (note). 150 by 211mm (6 by 8¼ inches).
The City of Rhodes
Peeters, Jaques
Rhodes "
Rhode" Antwerp Peeters, Jacques. after1685
Decorative copper engraved view by Jacques Peeters of Rhodos city from "Description Des Principales des Villes. . . . " .Modern hand colour; verso blank Dark impression.
155 by 213mm (6 by 8½ inches).
Philhellenic map of Rhodos.
Petrov, Ivan.
Rhodos. "Ροδοσ" Leipzig.` "at the polychromatic press of J.D.Nerantzis" 1886
Lithograph map of Rhodes, from Ivan Petrov's "
Atlas of the holy struggle of the Greeks for Independence"[ "
Ατλας Τον Υπερ Ανεζαρτηησιας Ιερο Των Ελληνων Αγωνος"] printed in colour. verso blank.
Surrounded by decorative border; title and text in Greek. Evenly toned .
Blackmer/Navari 1299; Blackmer/ Sotheby's 1396. 465 by 265mm (18¼ by 10½ inches).
Agathonissi, Dodecanesus.
Piacenza, Francesco
Delinea Fran Placentia
Sculpsit Fran.Guianottus Mut.
"Agathonisi, Eleo, Fermaco" Modena "Eredi Soliani stampatori Ducali" 1688
Copper engraved map of Agahtonissi, and surrounding small islands from "L'Egeo redivivo , o' sia choragraphia dell' Archipelago". Text to verso. Good impression; show through of text and decorative tailpiece from verso; occasional spotting.
Zacharakis :2638/1702 172 by 124mm (6¾ by 5 inches).
Amorgos, Cyclades.
Piacenza, Francesco
Delinea Fran Placentia
Sculpsit Fran.Guianottus Mut.
"Amorgo". Modena "Eredi Soliani stampatori Ducali" 1688
Copper engraved map of Amorgos from "L'Egeo redivivo , o' sia choragraphia dell' Archipelago". Text to verso.
. Fair impression ; show through of text and chapter heading from verso.
Zacharakis :2649/1713 172 by 123mm (6¾ by 4¾ inches).
Piacenza, Francesco
Delinea Fran Placentia
Sculpsit Fran.Guianottus Mut.
"Candia" Modena "Eredi Soliani stampatori Ducali" 1688
Copper engraved map of Crete, from "L'Egeo redivivo , o' sia choragraphia dell' Archipelago". Signed in the plate F. Placentia. Verso blank. Good impression but slightly faint to upper scale; some slight toning: folded.
Zacharakis :2630/1694 140 by 185mm (5½ by 7¼ inches).
Chalki & Alimia, Dodecanesus.
Piacenza, Francesco
Delinea Fran Placentia
Sculpsit Fran.Guianottus Mut.
"Carchi e Limonia". Modena "Eredi Soliani stampatori Ducali" 1688
Copper engraved map of Chalki & Alimia and the small surrounding islands from "L'Egeo redivivo , o' sia choragraphia dell' Archipelago". Text to verso. Good impression; slight show through of text from verso; minor spotting.
Zacharakis :2632/1696 173 by 123mm (6¾ by 4¾ inches).
Danoussa, Cyclades
Piacenza, Francesco
Delinea Fran Placentia
Sculpsit Fran.Guianottus Mut.
"Danoussa and Makaries Islands, Lesser Cyclades" "Isole Cidale" Modena "Eredi Soliani stampatori Ducali" 1688
Copper engraved map of Danoussa and the Makaries Islands in the Lesser or Small Cyclades from "L'Egeo redivivo , o' sia choragraphia dell' Archipelago". Text to verso. Fair impression; show through of text from verso; light toning and spotting.
Zacharakis :2666/1730 168 by 120mm (6½ by 4¾ inches).
Kos, Dodecanesus.
Piacenza, Francesco
Delinea Fran Placentia
Sculpsit Fran.Guianottus Mut.
"Lango". Modena "Eredi Soliani stampatori Ducali" 1688
Copper engraved map of Kos and the coast of Asia minor from "L'Egeo redivivo , o' sia choragraphia dell' Archipelago". Text to verso. Fair impression; show through of text and decorative tailpiece from verso; some ink smudging.
Zacharakis :2637/1701 172 by 124mm (6¾ by 5 inches).