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Scarce Map of Greece in Original Old Colour.

Greece. Aa, Pieter van der. "I. Stemmers Fecit" Greece. " Ελλαs. Graecia Sophiani per Abrahamum Ortelium descripta ac denuno aucta et amendata, Lugduni Batavorum, cura et sumptibus Petri Vander AA." " LugduniBatavorum" /Leiden "Par Pierre van der Aa, Marchand Libraire, Imprimeurde l'Univerite et de la Ville." 1729
Copper engraved map of Greece after Ortelius from Pieter van der Aa's " La Galerie Agreable du Monde." Original old colour; folded; verso blank.
This scarce map from van der Aa's monumental work is even more rare with original colour. The area of Greece is with full wash colour whilst the surrounding countries have outline colour.
Decorative title cartouche on blank pedestal, with ornamented scale [ both black and white as issued].
A version of the map also appears in the " Thesaurus Graecarum Antiquitatum" of J.Gronovius published by van der Aa between 1697 & 1702 [ Zacharakis Map 49] but with a different title, therefor sole edition thus. Dark impression; general toning ; bright original old colour; folded with short split on fold [10mm] below scale.
Koeman1: Aa9, Vol.46 map1; Zacharakis:3. 350 by 482mm (13¾ by 19 inches).    €1200
Stock No. 2485 - Greece full description

View of the Thesion, Athens.

Athens , View of the Temple of Theseus from the South West. Chenevard. Antoine Marie. Athens , View of the Temple of Theseus from the South West. "Athenes Vue du temple de These aspect Sud-Ouest." Lyon. Imprimerie de Louis Perrin 1858
Engraved view of the Thesion, Athens from Chenevard's "Voyage on Grece et dans le Levant fait en MDCCCXLVI." Hand coloured; verso blank.
The view shows the Thesion with the house of Plaka behind , in the distance can be seen the newly constructed Royal Palace ( completed in 1843), now the seat of the Greek Parliament. Generally clean,, smudges to upper blank margin within platemark but not image.
Blackmer/Navari:334; Blackmer/Sotheb's: 1109; Brunet:I, 1831. 263 by 405mm (10¼ by 16 inches).    €150
Stock No. 2395 - Greece full description

The Dinner At Crisso.

Dinner at Crisso. Dodwell, Edward Dinner at Crisso. "Dinner at Crisso in the house of the Bishop of Salona." London Rodwell & Martin. 1821
Aquatint view of the dinner at Crisso from the Deluxe edition of Dodwell's "Views in Greece". Original hand colour, mounted on card with title caption to verso
The view shows the interior of the house of the Bishop of Salona, where a dinner is being served with a view of the mountains from the window.
Dodwell explains the different mountains seen on either side of the Crissæan Gulf: those on the Achaian side which join the chain of Panachaikos, and the nearer hills of Ozolæa Locris, with the town of Galaxidi on the peninsular. He continues with a description of the ceremony of Washing hands, and also of the meal that is served; a dish of pilau, rice and cooked meat, the "fine kind of bread called colouri"and the fowl brought in by the Albanian woman servant. He also explains who the various people are; the Bishop being paid homage by a Greek peasant, the local priest in the black cap, and a Greek gentleman washing his hands in a bowl held by a Christian Albanian, Bright and clean.
Atabey:357;Blackmer/Navari: 493; Abbey, Travel: 130; Colas 876; Weber I: 1110. 264 by 401mm (10½ by 15¾ inches).    €2000
Stock No. 2583 - Greece full description

The Agora, Athens.

Bazar of Athens Dodwell, Edward. Bazar of Athens "Bazar of Athens" London Rodwell & Martin. 1821
Aquatint view of the Agora or Bazar of Athens from Dodwell's "Views in Greece". Original hand colour,
The lively scene shows the weekly market of Athens where Greeks, Turks and Albanians mingle together, along with peasants and farmers from the surrounding countryside.
Dodwell gives a full description of the prominent figures portrayed, In the coffee house where a freed slave stands leaning by a tree, the proprieter brings coffee to the Disdar or Govenor of the castle, dressed in scarlet, seateds with a Turkish Agha; standingon the step is the Vaivode or Governor of Salamis, son of Spiridon Logothetis [the late English agent], he is meeting a Greek Baratario, designated by his headgear or turban [also worn by Greek physicians]; Three turkish women stand in the centre in long white robes; to the left the Turk in green is wearing the sacred colour indicating he has performed the Hajj or pilgrimmage to Mecca.

In the background, the Acropolis with the cave of Pan and the Venetian tower near the Propylea depicted to the right of the minaret; to the left the Parthenon and Erectheion. Image bright and clean; title from verso attached below image but can be covered by mount; light foxing to surrounding card.
Blackmer/Navari: 493; Atabey:357; Abbey, Travel: 130; Colas 876; Weber I: 1110. 257 by 398mm (10 by 15¾ inches).    €2500
Stock No. 2591 - Greece full description

Katabathron of Lake Kopais, Bœotia.

Katabathron of Lake Kopais. Dodwell, Edward. Katabathron of Lake Kopais. "Katabathron of Lake Kopais." London Rodwell & Martin. 1821
Aquatint view of a Katabathron of Lake Kopais from the Deluxe edition of Dodwell's "Views in Greece". Original hand colour, mounted on card with title caption to verso.
The view shows a katabothra or underground river tunnel at Lake Kopais in Bœotia.
Dodwell says in the text that the one pictured is between the ruins of Akaiphnion and the modern town of Talanda, also that such subterranean passages were known by the ancient authors Strabo, Pausanias and Pliny, the latter describing how every nine years the lake would flood and these passages allowed the water to escape; Strabo considers they may have been caused by earthquakes.
."The basin of tho Copaic lake is surrounded by mountains and like several valleys in Arcadia its waters find outlets by subterranean channels called Katabothra"[ A Handbook for Travellers in Greece: Describing the Ionian Islands ...By John Murray ] Bright and clean.
Atabey:357;Blackmer/Navari: 493; Abbey, Travel: 130; Colas 876; Weber I: 1110. 258 by 385mm (10¼ by 15¼ inches).    €350
Stock No. 2582 - Greece full description

Faneromeni Monastery, Salamis.

Monastery of Phanairomene. Dodwell, Edward. Monastery of Phanairomene. "Monastery of Phanairomenein the Island of Salamis." London Rodwell & Martin. 1821
Aquatint view of the Monastery of Phanairomene from the Deluxe edition of Dodwell's "Views in Greece". Original hand colour, mounted on card with title caption to verso.
The view shows the monastery on the North side of the island close to the shore of the Eleusian or Megaric gulf, in the distance the mountains of Peloponnesus. The monastery is famous for the icon of the Virgin found deep below the ground where the building now stands, discovered by Lampros Kanelos (Saint Laurentios) in the 17th century leading him to rebuild the church. Bright and clean.
Atabey:357;Blackmer/Navari: 493; Abbey, Travel: 130; Colas 876; Weber I: 1110. 234 by 414mm (9¼ by 16¼ inches).    €1200
Stock No. 2589 - Greece full description

The Home of the Gods, Mount Olympus, Thessaly.

Mount Olympos. Dodwell, Edward. Mount Olympos. "Mount Olympos, as seen between Larissa and Baba. ." London Rodwell & Martin. 1821
Aquatint view of Mount Olympus from Dodwell's "Views in Greece". Original hand colour.
The view shows the "rugged outline...shattered in many summits" of Mount Olympus, and the course of the river Pineios across the Pierian plain, having emerged from the vale of Tempe which Dodwell writes "diffuses its charm over the space between Ossa And Olympos."
In mythology Olympus was the Home of the twelve Gods of the Greek pantheon, whilst in Pieria, the mythological tradition had placed the nine Muses patrons of the Arts, daughters of Zeus and the Mnemosyne. Bright and clean; Short tear to upper blank margin away from image.
Blackmer/Navari: 493; Atabey:357; Abbey, Travel: 130; Colas 876; Weber I: 1110. 250 by 407mm (9¾ by 16 inches).    €750
Stock No. 2585 - Greece full description

Orchomenos, Bœotia.

Ruins of Orchomenos. Dodwell, Edward. Ruins of Orchomenos. "Ruins of Orchomenos in Bœotia.". London Rodwell & Martin. 1821
Aquatint view of Orchomenos from the Deluxe edition of Dodwell's "Views in Greece". Original hand colour, mounted on card with title caption to verso
The view shows the Acropolis of Orchomenos upon an outcrop of Mount Akontios, seen from the South; the river Cephissus or Kifisos winds across the plain, with a snow covered Mount Parnassos in the background

In 1880–86, Heinrich Schliemann's excavations (H. Schliemann, Orchomenos, Leipzig 1881) revealed the tholos tomb he called the "Tomb of Minyas", a Mycenaean monument that equalled the "Tomb of Atreus" at Mycenae itself. In 1893, A. de Ridder excavated the temple of Asklepios and some burials in the Roman necropolis. In 1903–05, a Bavarian archaeological mission under Heinrich Bulle and Adolf Furtwängler conducted successful excavations at the site. Research continued in 1970–73 by the Archaeological Service under Theodore Spyropoulos, uncovering the Mycenaean palace, a prehistoric cemetery, the ancient amphitheatre, and other structures. Image bright and clean; light foxing to surrounding card away from image.
Atabey:357;Blackmer/Navari: 493; Abbey, Travel: 130; Colas 876; Weber I: 1110. 244 by 395mm (9½ by 15½ inches).    €1000
Stock No. 2586 - Greece full description


Thermopylæ. Dodwell, Edward. Thermopylæ. "Pass of Thermopylæ." London Rodwell & Martin. 1821
Aquatint view of Thermopylæ from the Deluxe edition of Dodwell's "Views in Greece". Original hand colour, mounted on card with title caption to verso
The view shows the pass of Thermopylæ with the plain down to the sea, on the left is Mount Knemis and also Mount Œta,
Thermopylae means "hot gates" in Greek and the name is related with its hot sulphur springs. This is also the place of cavernous entrances to Hades in mythology.
Thermopylae is primarily known for the battle that took place there between the Greek forces including the Spartans and the Persian forces. It is the only land route large enough to bear any significant traffic between Lokris and Thessaly and thus was the site of several battles..
Dodwell states that the two figures are"attendants of the author, for as the defiles of Thermopylæ are sometimes infested with banditti ,it was necssary to be well prepared." Bright and clean.
Atabey:357;Blackmer/Navari: 493; Abbey, Travel: 130; Colas 876; Weber I: 1110. 265 by 395mm (10½ by 15½ inches).    €750
Stock No. 2588 - Greece full description

Portaria, Mount Pelion, Thessaly.

Village of Portaria. Dodwell, Edward. Village of Portaria. "Village of Portaria on Mount Pelion." London Rodwell & Martin. 1821
Aquatint view of Portaria from the Deluxe edition of Dodwell's "Views in Greece". Original hand colour, mounted on card with title caption to verso
The view shows Portaria, Thessaly, one of the "large and opulent " villages of Mount Pelion, inhabited by Greeks of "hardy habits and athletic forms..... in the midst of a varied profusion of trees which form cooling arbours and embowering shades,while the streets are irrigated by numerous streams that ripple under the luxuriouscanopy of wide spreading platini."Dodwell obvoiusly much enamoured of the village continues "Here is delight for the voluptuous, incitement for the romantic and repose for the weary." Bright and clean.
Atabey:357;Blackmer/Navari: 493; Abbey, Travel: 130; Colas 876; Weber I: 1110. 264 by 401mm (10½ by 15¾ inches).    €2500
Stock No. 2584 - Greece full description

Crossing the Pindus Mountains.

Pindus, Crossing from Joannina to Trikala. Dupré, Louis. Dupré, Louis. Pindus, Crossing from Joannina to Trikala. "Le Pinde, traversée de Janina à Tricala." Paris "Imprimerie de Dondey-Dupré, Rue St Louis, No 46, Au Marais." 1825-37
Coloured lithograph of the artist and party crossing the Pindus Mountans from Louis Dupré's " Voyage â Athènes et â Constantinople...". Original hand colour; verso blank; blind stamp of Dupré as issued.

The print shows the artist and his fellow travellers climbing up the Pindus Mountains with the help of local guides. In the foreground a Greek dressed in fustanella leads a white horse up the mountain; behind lit by sunlight the artist, complete with portfolio, urges his horse up the rocky pass. The party is a large one with porters, mules and armed guards seemingly directed by the bearded Turk in the mid ground. The image fully shows the enterpise it was to travel through Greece at that time. Generally bright; blank margins with repaired tears, away from image; upper right corner torn and repaired to verso; slight toning to blank margins from repairs.
Colas 916; Lipperheide 1434; Droulia 901; Navari/ Blackmer: 517; Sotheby's/Blackmer 559. 430 by 320mm (17 by 12½ inches)image including title.    €2500
Stock No. 1895 - Greece full description

Tartar and the Lion of Chaeronea.

Tartar and Fragments of the Lion of Chaeronea. Dupré, Louis. Dupré, Louis. Tartar and Fragments of the Lion of Chaeronea. "Un Tartare et les Fragments du lion de Chéronée.." Paris "Imprimerie de Dondey-Dupré, Rue St Louis, No 46, Au Marais." 1825-37
Coloured lithograph of a tartar and his horse from Louis Dupré's " Voyage â Athènes et â Constantinople...". Original hand colour; verso blank; blind stamp of Dupré as issued.
The image shows a tartar and his magnificent horse in front of the ruined statue of the lion of Chaeronea. It is likely that the Tartar was a member of Dupré's travelling party.
The lion was rediscovered in 1818 by English travellers, and is believed to be a funerary monument erected in honor of the Sacred Band of Thebes massacred in 338BC.
Chaeronea was the site of several historical battles. Best known is that of 338 BC, between Philip II of Macedonia and a coalition of various Greek states, mainly Thebes and Athens. During the battle, the elite unit of Theban soldiers known as the Sacred Band of Thebes was wiped out completely .
Diodorus says that more than 1,000 Athenians died in the battle, with another 2,000 taken prisoner, and that the Thebans fared similarly. Plutarch suggests that all 300 of the Sacred Band were killed at the battle, having previously been seen as invincible. In the Roman period, the 'Lion of Chaeronea', an enigmatic monument on the site of the battle, was believed to mark the resting place of the Sacred Band. Modern excavations found the remains of 254 soldiers underneath the monument; it is therefore generally accepted that this was indeed the grave of the Sacred Band. Removed from a frame; even toning; colours faded; some light spotting to margins.
Colas 916; Lipperheide 1434; Droulia 901; Navari/ Blackmer: 517; Sotheby's/Blackmer 559 357 by 452mm (14 by 17¾ inches)image withou title; page:440x570mm.    €1500
Stock No. 2865 - Greece. full description

View of Joannina from the Lake.

The Palace & Fortress of Joannina,view from the  Lake Dupré, Louis. Dupré, Louis. The Palace & Fortress of Joannina,view from the Lake "Le Palais et la Fortresse de Janina , Vue du Lac, Un Turc et un jeune Grec." Paris "Imprimerie de Dondey-Dupré, Rue St Louis, No 46, Au Marais." 1825-37
Coloured lithograph of the Palace & Fort of Joannina from Louis Dupré's " Voyage â Athènes et â Constantinople...". Original hand colour; verso blank; blind stamp of Dupré as issued.
The image shows in the foreground a Turk with his Greek servant sitting in a boat on Pamvotis lake, behind is the fortress of Joannina and the palace of Ali Pasha.

Dupré, arrived in Corfu at the beginning of March 1820, whilst there he took a great interest in the Suliote heroes living in exile upon the island since Ali Pasha's conquest of the Suliotes in 1804. One of the first portraits he drew was of Photo Picos, who was surprised that Dupré knew his history.
Ironically the next portraits Dupré drew were whilst visiting Ali Pasha, in Joannina. Thomas Maitland had encouraged Dupré to show Ali his drawings, it is reported that on seeing the portrait of Photo Picos Ali exclaimed "Oh, I know him, He is one of my enemies!" Maitland suggested Ali accept the portrait as a gift, when the offer was only answered with a smile, Maitland, in an effort to maintain relations suggested Dupré draw the portrait of Ali's grandsons, which was to be the first of a number of drawings of members of Ali's household , including the Pasha himsef.
Whilst there negotiations were in progress concerning the fate of Parga.
On returning to Corfu, he drew the famous image of Nicolo Pervoli standing by the canon pointing across to the mainland.

Dupré left Corfu on the 23rd of March just a few days before 4000 exiles from Parga were to arrive in the Ionian islands. Repaired holes to image [can be seen when held to light] & to upper and lower margins; slight crease down centre.
Colas 916; Lipperheide 1434; Droulia 901; Navari/ Blackmer: 517; Sotheby's/Blackmer 559 345 by 436mm (13½ by 17¼ inches)image including title.    €2000
Stock No. 1892 - Greece full description

The Parthenon, Athens.

The Parthenon. Dupré, Louis. Dupré, Louis. The Parthenon. "Le Parthènon." Paris "Imprimerie de Dondey-Dupré, Rue St Louis, No 46, Au Marais." 1825-37
Coloured lithograph of the Parthenon from Louis Dupré's " Voyage â Athènes et â Constantinople...". Original hand colour; verso blank; blind stamp of Dupré as issued.
The view shows the façade of the Parthenon upon the Acropolis. Inside the temple can be seen the mosque built by the Turks. The view also shows houses upon the Acropolis rock. Bright & clean; thinning to paper of upper margin ( due to removal of mount/passepartout?).
Colas 916; Lipperheide 1434; Droulia 901; Navari/ Blackmer: 517; Sotheby's/Blackmer 559 370 by 478mm (14½ by 18¾ inches)image including title & blind stamp.    €4000
Stock No. 1903 - Greece full description

The Temple of Zeus Olympus with the Acropolis, Athens.

The Temple of Jupiter Olympus and the Acropolis of Athens Dupré, Louis. Dupré, Louis. The Temple of Jupiter Olympus and the Acropolis of Athens "Le Temple de Jupiter Olympien et l'Acropolis d'Athens." Paris "Imprimerie de Dondey-Dupré, Rue St Louis, No 46, Au Marais." 1825-37
Coloured lithograph of the Olympieion with the Acropolis from Louis Dupré's " Voyage â Athènes et â Constantinople...". Original hand colour; verso blank; blind stamp of Dupré as issued.
The view shows the Temple of Olympian Zeus, with the Acropolis in the background; from this angle it is possible to see part of the town , the Plaka district, on the Acropolis slopes.
Interestingly Dupré illustrates a gathering of Turks beside the temple seemingly being addressed by an Imam, suggesting that the space was used as an open air mosque. Bright & clean; slight crease causing lightening of the colour of the sky in the middle of the view.
Colas 916; Lipperheide 1434; Droulia 901; Navari/ Blackmer: 517; Sotheby's/Blackmer 559 310 by 432mm (12¼ by 17 inches)image including title & blind stamp.    €4000
Stock No. 1904 - Greece full description

The Herodeion, or Theatre of Herodes Atticus ,Athens.

The Interior of the Theatre of Herodes Atticus. Gasparini Andrea. The Interior of the Theatre of Herodes Atticus. " Interno del Theatro di Erode Attico o Bacco.." Rome Unknown. 1844
Copper engraving of the Herodeion or Theatre of Herodes Atticus by Andrea Gasperini. Black & white; verso blank. Dedication to "Signor Alessandro Cipriani di Livorno, amatore e dislinto cultore di belle arti" with the artist's sincere friendship and gratiude.
A rare engraving, as far as we can determine it was seperately issued, ie never bound as a book with the others of the series.
The large view shows the interior of the Roman theatre built by Herodes Atticus in 174AD. Abandoned and grown over by vegetation; a place to bring cows to graze. In the foreground carved fragments of the building; in the background can be seen the monument of Phillpappos. Good dark impression; some spotting within image; tear to upper margin, repaired; lower right corner torn with loss of blank margib.
450 by 585mm (17¾ by 23 inches) plate mark.    €1200
Stock No. 1907 - Greece full description

Attica and Environs in Ancient times.

Attica and Environs. Janssonium, Joannem. "N. Visscher excudit." Attica and Environs. "Attica Megarica,Corinthiaca Bœotia Phocis. Locri. Ex clariss D,T Velij M.D. Delineationes" Amsterdam Janssonium, Joannem. c1652
Copper engraved map of Attica and environs by Janssonius from his "Accuratissma Orbis Antiqui Delineatio Sive Geographia vetus, sacra,& profana." the 6th volume of the "Atlas Novus." Original colour; verso blank.
The map shows Attica and surrounding areas with the isthmus of Corinth and the island of Euboa; it is the cartography of Henricus Hondius [Zacharakis 1709/1121] with Hondius name removed and the cartouche changed to lower left corner, with Janssonius' imprint to upper right.
Decorative title cartouche; sailing ships to sea. Good impression, generally bright; occasional spotting mainly to blank margins; light toning to edges and slight browning to centre fold due to guard on verso; old ink number to upper right corner.
Zacharakis 1706/1120; Koeman II; Ja 2 & Me.164 368 by 498mm (14½ by 19½ inches).    €500
Stock No. 2513 - Greece full description

The Choragic Monument of Lysicrates, Athens.

View of the Lantern of Demosthenes, Athens. Le Roy, Julien David Le Roy Arh.te de.l in Greciâ. Le Bas Sculp. View of the Lantern of Demosthenes, Athens. "Vue de la Lanterne de Demosthene à Athenes." Paris chez H.L. Guerin & L.F. Delatour, J.L. Nyon/ Jean Neaulme 1758
Copper engraved view the" Lantern of Demosthenes "or Lysicrates Monument, Athens from Le Roy's "Les Ruines des Plus Beaux Monuments de la Grece ." Black and white, verso blank.

The view shows the monument as part of the French Capuchin monastry, with a group of musicians and dancers in the street.

The monastry founded in 1658, succeeded in purchasing the monument,in 1669 when it was being called the "Lantern of Diogenes" after the famous Athenian cynic philosopher of the 4th century BC.
A reading of its inscription by Jacob Spon established its original purpose. and that it was was erected by the choregos Lysicrates, a wealthy patron of musical performances in the Theater of Dionysus, to commemorate the award of first prize in 335/334 BC to one of the performances he had sponsored. [The choregos was the sponsor who paid for and supervised the training of the dramatic dance-chorus.]
It was erected in the Street of the Tripods an ancient road that led from the sanctuary of Dionysos around the east and northeast sides of the Acropolis and the monument is adorned with a frieze depicting episodes of the life of Dionysus, the god whose rites developed into Greek theatre. (In the Middle Ages, the monument also acquired the nickname "Lantern of Demosthenes" from the erroneous belief that the 4h century orator composed his speeches there.)

Lord Byron stayed at the Capuchin monastery during his second visit to Greece. In 1818, friar Francis planted in its gardens the first tomato plants in Greece. In 1821 the convent, which had enclosed the monument, used as a storage for books, was burned during the Ottoman occupation of Athens, and subsequently demolished, and the monument was inadvertently exposed to the weather. In 1829, the monks offered the structure to an Englishman on tour, but it proved to be too cumbersome to disassemble and ship. Lord Elgin negotiated unsuccessfully for the monument, by then an icon in the Greek Revival.

French archaeologists cleared the rubble from the half-buried monument and searched the area for missing architectural parts. In 1876–1887, the architects François Boulanger and E. Loviot supervised a restoration under the auspices of the French government. Bright dark impression; light foxing ,mainly to blank margins.
Blackmer/ Navari :1009; Atabey 709;Cohen de-Ricci 627. 310 by 465mm (12¼ by 18¼ inches).    €850
Stock No. 2267 - Greece full description

Hadrian's Gate, Athens.

View of the Monument called the arch of Theseus at  Athens. Le Roy, Julien David Le Roy Arh.te de.l in Greciâ. Le Bas Sculp. View of the Monument called the arch of Theseus at Athens. "Vue du Monument appellé vulgairement à Athenes l'Arc de Thesée." Paris chez H.L. Guerin & L.F. Delatour, J.L. Nyon/ Jean Neaulme 1758
Copper engraved view of Hadrian's Gate, Athens from Le Roy's "Les Ruines des Plus Beaux Monuments de la Grece ." Black and white, verso blank.
The view shows the Gate or Arch of Hadrian, with a glimpse of the Temple of Olympian Zeus behind.
Le Roy identifies it as the arch of Theseus, probably due to the inscription on the west sidefacing the Acropolis stating "This is the ancient city of Theseus"
However on the side facing the Olympeon there is another inscription stating "This is the city of Hadrian and not of Theseus". The arch was erected around131/2 AD at the time of the dedication of the Olympeonand Hadrian's visit to the city. Bright dark impression; lightly toned; a couple of spots to blank margins; short tear of 10mm [repaired] to left margin .
Blackmer/ Navari :1009; Atabey 709 ;Cohen de-Ricci 627. 295 by 437mm (11½ by 17¼ inches).    €750
Stock No. 2261 - Greece full description

The Monument to Thrasyllus, Athens.

View of the Monument to Thrasyllus, Athens. Le Roy, Julien David Le Roy Arh.te de.l in Greciâ. Le Bas Sculp. View of the Monument to Thrasyllus, Athens. "Vue d'un Monument éléve en l'honneur de Thrasyllus à Athenes." Paris chez H.L. Guerin & L.F. Delatour, J.L. Nyon/ Jean Neaulme 1758
Copper engraved view of the monument to Thrasyllus, Athens from Le Roy's "Les Ruines des Plus Beaux Monuments de la Grece ." Black and white, verso blank.
The view shows the Monument situated on the south face of the Acropolis, the monument was constructed in 320 B.C. as a façade fronting a shallow cave or grotto halfway up the cliff. (Fig. 1) Thrasyllus was an ancient Greek chorus leader. According to its inscriptions, the monument commemorated the victory of Thrasyllus's chorus during a festival performance. The trophy given in such contests was a bronze tripod. The tripod in this case is believed to have been affixed to the lap of the statue seated on the parapet
During the Hellenistic times suffered many changes and later became a Christian church, the St. Mary of the Cave. It was finally destroyed by the canons of the Turkish general Kütahı pasha during the 1827 siege of the city. Bright dark impression; a few spots to blank margins.
Blackmer/ Navari :1009; Atabey 709;Cohen de-Ricci 627. 303 by 462mm (12 by 18¼ inches).    €300
Stock No. 2265 - Greece full description

The Port of Pireus.

View of the port of Pireus, Athens. Le Roy, Julien David Le Roy Arh.te de.l in Greciâ. Le Bas Sculp. View of the port of Pireus, Athens. "Vue du Port de Piée à Athenes." Paris chez H.L. Guerin & L.F. Delatour, J.L. Nyon/ Jean Neaulme 1758
Copper engraved view the port of Pireus, Athens from Le Roy's "Les Ruines des Plus Beaux Monuments de la Grece ." Black and white, verso blank.

The view shows the natural port of Pireus, with the Acropolis in the far background and the hill of Lycabetus, Bright dark impression; light foxing ,mainly to blank margins.
Blackmer/ Navari :1009; Atabey 709;Cohen de-Ricci 627. 313 by 466mm (12¼ by 18¼ inches).    €650
Stock No. 2268 - Greece full description

Ruins of the Propyllia of the Acropolis, Athens.

View of the ruins of the Propyllia , Gate of the Acropolis, Athens. Le Roy, Julien David Le Roy Arh.te de.l in Greciâ. Le Bas Sculp. View of the ruins of the Propyllia , Gate of the Acropolis, Athens. "Vue des ruines des Propylées, où de la Porte de la Citadelle d' Athenes." Paris chez H.L. Guerin & L.F. Delatour, J.L. Nyon/ Jean Neaulme 1758
Copper engraved view ruins of the Propyllia ,Athens from Le Roy's "Les Ruines des Plus Beaux Monuments de la Grece ." Black and white, verso blank.
The view shows the columns of the Propyllia at the ntrance to the Acropolis. Bright dark impression.
Blackmer/ Navari :1009; Atabey 709;Cohen de-Ricci 627. 305 by 461mm (12 by 18¼ inches).    €500
Stock No. 2266 - Greece full description

The Parthenon, Athens.

View of the Temple of Minerva, Athens. Le Roy, Julien David Le Roy Arh.te de.l in Greciâ. Le Bas Sculp. View of the Temple of Minerva, Athens. "Vue de Temple de Minerva à Athenes." Paris chez H.L. Guerin & L.F. Delatour, J.L. Nyon/ Jean Neaulme 1758
Copper engraved view of the gate of the Parthenon, Athens from Le Roy's "Les Ruines des Plus Beaux Monuments de la Grece ." Black and white, verso blank.
The view shows the ruined Parthenon with a small mosque erected by the Turks within. Bright dark impression; small ink spots to blank margins.
Blackmer/ Navari :1009; Atabey 709 ;Cohen de-Ricci 627. 300 by 465mm (11¾ by 18¼ inches).    €1000
Stock No. 2259 - Greece full description

Monument to Philopappus, Athens.

View of the Trimphal  Monument raised to honour Caius, Julius, Antiochus Philopappus  at  Athens. Le Roy, Julien David Le Roy Arh.te de.l in Greciâ. Le Bas Sculp. View of the Trimphal Monument raised to honour Caius, Julius, Antiochus Philopappus at Athens. "Vue d'un Monument triumphal élevé en l'honeur de Caius, julius, Antiochus, Philopappus à Athenes." Paris chez H.L. Guerin & L.F. Delatour, J.L. Nyon/ Jean Neaulme 1758
Copper engraved view of the Monument of Philopappus, Athens from Le Roy's "Les Ruines des Plus Beaux Monuments de la Grece ." Black and white, verso blank.
The view shows the ruined Monument of Philopaapus with varius figures sitting around it and the sea in the background.

The Philopappos Monument is an ancient Greek mausoleum and monument dedicated to Gaius Julius Antiochus Epiphanes Philopappos or Philopappus, ( 65–116 AD), a prince from the Kingdom of Commagene. It is located on Mouseion Hill in Athens, Greece, southwest of the Acropolis.

Philopappos died in 116, and his death caused great grief to his sister Julia Balbilla, citizens of Athens and possibly to the imperial family. As a dedication to honor the memory of Philopappos, Balbilla with the citizens of Athens erected a tomb structure on Mouseion Hill near the Acropolis of Athens. His marble tomb monument is still known as the Philopappos Monument, and the hill is today known as Philopappos Hill
The Greek geographer Pausanias (Description of Greece, I.25.8), describes Philopappos' grand tomb as a monument built for a Syrian man. The monument was built on the same site where Musaios or Musaeus, a 6th-century BC priestly poet and mystical seer, was held to have been buried. The location of this tomb, opposite the Acropolis and within formal boundaries of the city, shows the high position Philopappos had within Athenian society. Bright dark impression; small minor spots to blank margins.
Blackmer/ Navari :1009; Atabey 709 ;Cohen de-Ricci 627. 309 by 463mm (12¼ by 18¼ inches).    €750
Stock No. 2260 - Greece full description

Ancient Thoricos, Lavrion Attika

View of various fragments of a Temple situated in a part of Attika called Thoricos Le Roy, Julien David Le Roy Arh.te de.l in Greciâ. Le Bas Sculp. View of various fragments of a Temple situated in a part of Attika called Thoricos "Vue du Port de Piée à Athenes." Paris chez H.L. Guerin & L.F. Delatour, J.L. Nyon/ Jean Neaulme 1758
Copper engraved view of ancient Thoricos, now called Lavrion, Attika from Le Roy's "Les Ruines des Plus Beaux Monuments de la Grece ." Black and white, verso blank.
The view shows the ruins of a Doric temple in the foreground with the harbour in the midground and the island of Makronisi (Macri) behind. ThLe Roy peoples the scene with various figures, some of whom seem to be excavating the ruins and taking measurements whilst others in European dress look on.
Thoricus was an ancient Greek city in southern Attica, where lead and silver was mined. Thoricus was the mining centre of the Laureotica. There is evidence of lead extraction from the 3rd millennium BC and of silver from 1500 BC. large Doric temple (late 5th century BC), may have been a Telesterion for the cult of Demeter and Persephone Good impression; light spotting to blank margins.
Blackmer/ Navari :1009; Atabey 709;Cohen de-Ricci 627. 304 by 467mm (12 by 18½ inches).    €450
Stock No. 2269 - Greece full description

Scarce French map after Ortelius's "Graecia Sophiani".

Greece. Le Roy,H. "H LeRoy Fecit" Greece. "Ελλαs. Graecia Sophiani." "A Paris " "Chez N Langlois rue Saint Jaques àla Victoire" c1640-60
Copper engraved map of Greece after Ortelius by Henri Le Roy. Original outline colour; verso blank.
Decorative title cartouche and scale.
The map by Henri Le Roy seems to have first been published by Michel Van Lochom in 1636 and then by J Boisseau in 1643 in his " Tresor des Cartes Géographiques". Thereafter the plate seems to have passed through a number of hands including that of Pierre Mariette who was stepfather to Nicolas Langlois the present publisher. Dark impression; signs of former framing, leading to toning and tape to edges on verso; dampstain to lower margin; centrefold split, due to removal of guard, repaired to verso.
This edition not in Zacharakis [ Zacharakis; 2019/1344, 2020/1345, 2021/1346 and 451/274 variants] 355 by 488mm (14 by 19¼ inches).    €850
Stock No. 2489 - Greece full description

Athens, Attika.

Athens Attika. Loschge, Leonhard. Athens Attika. "Atene" Nürnberg/ Nuremberg. Loschge Leonhard. 1687
Extremely scarce small copper engraved map of Athens and surroundings, from Loschge's "Neue vermehrte Beschreibungder trflichen Halbinsel Morea mit den Angrezenten Inseln und Provinzen des Coronelli und andern Italianischen Schriften"
Modern hand colour.
The map shows the position of Athens on the gulf of Aegina; the location of the "Temple di Minerva "at Sunion and the near islands, Aegina Kea &c.. Good impression; modern hand colour.
Zacharakis:2097. 66 by 114mm (2½ by 4½ inches).    €180
Stock No. 2780 - Greece full description

Macedonia, Epirus and Achaia.

Macadonien, Epirus und Achaia. Mercator, Gerhard . Macadonien, Epirus und Achaia. "Macedonia, Epirus and Achaia." Amsterdam Janssonius, Jan 1649
Copper engraved map of Macedonia, Epirus & Achaia by Mercator, published by Janssonius in his "Novus Atlas, Das ist: Welt-Beschreibung... " Vol 3. Original old colour; German text to verso.
The map first appears in the second part of Mercator's Atlas in 1589 [Me11].
Decorative title cartouche surrounded by putti; ships to sea. Good dark impression; toned as so often with Janssonius maps, with some show through of text from verso; splits at upper and lower centre fold [ each approx 60-70mm repaired with tape to verso]; margins trimmed, as can be seen on the verso just touching some words.
Zacharakis:2213/1453; Koeman II: Me.136 A/ Nnn, map71]. 360 by 435mm (14¼ by 17¼ inches).    €650
Stock No. 2515 - Greece full description

Macedonia, Birthplace of Alexander the Great.

Macedonia. Mortier, Pierre. Macedonia. "Macedonia Alexandri Magni Patria." Amsterdam Petrum Mortier 1705
Copper engraved map of Macedonia by Pierre Mortier from his "Atlas Antiquus" edited by Joannes Clericus. Original outline colour; verso blank.
The map shows the kingdom of Macedonia, birth place of Alexander the Great; part of Thesaly and Epirus and an unnamed, strangely shaped Kerkyra. Dark impression: generally clean and bright; age toning to edges .
Zacharakis;2394/1567; KoemanIII:Mor 4;map62. 439 by 555mm (17¼ by 21¾ inches).    €650
Stock No. 2523 - Greece full description

Münster's Ptolomaic projection of Greece,

<em>New Griechenland so ieczunt Türctei ist.</em> Münster, Sebastian New Griechenland so ieczunt Türctei ist. "New Griechen land mit andern anstossenden Landern wie es zu unsern zeiten beschriben ist" Basle Petri, Heinrich. c1544-72
Woodcut map of Greece after Ptolomaeus from Sebastien Munster's "Cosmographia". Modern hand colour; German title panel on verso is surrounded by an engraved city view [uncoloured].
The map first appeared in the 1540 Basle edition of Ptolomaeus edited by Munster. It is extremely difficult to identify from which edition of the "Cosmographia" the map is taken; Petri published 27 editions with German text.between 1544-1572 . Dark impression; some soiling to blank margins; 2 short tears to lower margin repaired with archival tape to verso.
Zacharakis:2438. 256 by 346mm (10 by 13½ inches).    €500
Stock No. 2516 - Greece full description

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Company: Bryan, Mary Louise. Address: Ag. Andrianoy 92 , 21 100 Nafplio, Greece.
Vat No: EL 119092581