View of the Fort of Kalymnos, Dodecannesus.
CORONELLI, Vincenzo Maria.
Island & Fort of Kalymnos "
Isola e Forte di Calamo." Venice CORONELLI, Vincenzo Maria. 1696
Vignette viewof Kalymnos from CORONELLI's "
Isolario descrittione geografico-historia... Tomo II dell' Atlante Veneto." Modern hand colour.
The view was one of the vignettes of Coronelli's "
Isolario descrittione geografico-historia... Tomo II dell' Atlante Veneto." appearing within the text ; it also appeared in his work "
Isola Di Rodi" published in 1688 & 1695. Good Impression.[ Mounted and handcoloured.]
CORONELLI, Vincenzo Maria (1650-1718).
Franciscan monk, cosmographer, cartographer, publisher, famous for his globes and also the "
Atlante Veneto-Isolario" 1690-96 and the"
Corso Geografico Universale"of 1692-97 to name the most important of the some 140 books he published.
In his home city he founded the very first geographical society, the Accademia Cosmografica degli Argonauti. He also held the position of Cosmographer of the Republic of Venice. Later six volumes of the Biblioteca Universale Sacro-Profana were published by Coronelli. This was a kind of encyclopedia, its compiled entries were ordered alphabetically.
Coronelli died at the age of 68 in Venice, having created hundreds of maps in his lifetime.
125 by 164mm (5 by 6½ inches).
ref: 2611