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Lasor, a. Varea Alphonse [ also known under the pseudonym R Savonarola.] Samos "Isola di Samo." Padua : ex typographia olim Frambotti, nunc Jo. Baptistae Conzatti. 1713
Copper engraved map of Samos from Lasor's "Universus terrarum orbis scriptorum calamo delineatus ... qui de Europae, Asiae, Africae, & Americae regnis, provinciis, populis, civitatibus....". Modern hand colour; set in a page of text.
The map is by Natale Bonifazio [ Bonifacio] Sibenicensis engraver who worked producing maps and engravings first in Venice where his maps were published by amongst others Camoccio and Bertelli and then in Rome where he was part of the Lafrerei school of engravers.
Text to upper margin; monogramm "NB F" to lower corner.
Compass rose and ship to sea. Good impression ; modern hand colour; mounted.

Lasor a Varea, Alphonse:
Alphonsus Lasor a Verea was the cartographic alias of Raffaello Savonarola (1680--1748), a monk who worked in the monastery library in Padua.

Lasor's 2 volume"Universus terrarum orbis scriptorum calamo delineatus ... qui de Europae, Asiae, Africae, & Americae regnis, provinciis, populis, civitatibus...."is a historical dictionarywith an extensive glossary of terms, and an overall wealth of practical information about the geography and cartography of the time and includes a large number of maps [approx 252] and views taken from old plates dating from a century or more earlier. The plates are taken from Valeggio's Raccolta, 1595, Porcacchi's Le Isole più famose del mondo, 1572, Rosaccio's Viaggi a Costantinopoli, 1598 ,Magini's Geografia, 1596 and Bertelli's Tavola moderne di geographia... c 1570

Natale Bonifacio da Sebenico (publisher/printer; printmaker; designer; Italian;; 1537 - 1592)
Also known as

Bonifacio da Sebenico, Natale; Bonifacio, Natale; Bonifacio Dalmata, Natale; Bonifazio, Natale di Girolamo; Bonifacius, Natalis

Engraver, etcher, designer, printer, print publisher and cosmographer, from Sebenico. Active in Venice c.1570-1574, and then in Rome 1575-1591. He was proposed for membership of the Virtuosi del Pantheon 9 February 1578, where described as 'intagliatore in rame' (Orbaan). 1579 he was a member of the Confraternity of San Girolamo degli Illirici. The inscription on his tombstone notes his activity as engraver and cosmographer ('aeris caelator divinus ac optimus geographus').
In Venice his work was published by Camocio, Ferrando Bertelli, Luca Bertelli and Donato Bertelli, Borgaruccio Borgarucci and Nelli. In Rome his work was published by Lafreri, Claudio Duchetti, Lorenzo Vaccari and Nicolas van Aelst. His prints included maps, antiquities, devotional and didactic subjects. Plates for Domenico Fontana's 'Della trasportatione dell'obelisco Vaticano', 1590. Some plates listed in the Vaccari stocklist of 1614 (Ehrle).
He appears to have been responsible for the invention of the Rosary for Vaccari, which is inscribed: 'Rosarium Dolorosum Gloriosae Virginis. Natal. Bonifatius inventor atq. Fecit 1579' (Bianchi). His activity as a printer/publisher is documented by the conclave plan for the election of Sixtus V, where his address appears as: 'In Roma per Natal Bonifatio Stampator' (Ehrle, 1933).
Zacharakis:1874/1247; Cox II, 542: 'a most remarkable book'; Graesse IV, 115; Sabin 39133; Shirley BL, T.LAS-1a. 210 by 160mm (8¼ by 6¼ inches).   ref: 3231  €500

Company: Bryan, Mary Louise. Address: Ag. Andrianoy 92 , 21 100 Nafplio, Greece.
Vat No: EL 119092581