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Bergen-op-Zoom and the Fortifications.

Descriptio Bergarum ad Zomam, Sterbergæ, & novorum ibi operum. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Descriptio Bergarum ad Zomam, Sterbergæ, & novorum ibi operum. "Tabula Bergarum ad Zomam, Sterbergæ, & novorum ibi operum." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of the area round Bergen-op-Zoom from Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus .Partis Prima pars Altera." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Strap work title cartouche; inset of Castra Pinsii to lower right.

When the archduchess Isabella had the fortification Zandvliet between Bergen-op-Zoom and Antwerp provided with bullwarks and had a number of fortresses constructed along the Scheldt, the States General decided to construct the three fortresses of Moermont, Pinsen and de Roovere at dangerous points between the swamps to the north of Bergen-op-Zoom. Between these swamps were areas of higher ground over which the enemy could cross. The new line was supposed to protect Zeeland, the shipping routes between Zeeland and Holland, and the northern front of the city of Bergen against the enemy from the new line of defense in 1628 at the request of Prince Frederick Henry. Bright original colour; light damp stain to upper corners and edge of lower blank margin, far from image.
Koeman1, Bl 23A. 225 by 542mm (8¾ by 21¼ inches).    €350
Stock No. 3138 - Europe full description

Paraguay, South America.

Descriptio Paraguay sive Provinciæ Rio de La Plata, cum regionibus adjacentibus Tucuman et Santa Cruz de la Sierrra. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Descriptio Paraguay sive Provinciæ Rio de La Plata, cum regionibus adjacentibus Tucuman et Santa Cruz de la Sierrra. "Paraguay, o Prov. de Rio de la Plata cum regionibus adiacentibus Tucuman et Sta Cruz de la Sierra." Amsterdam Apud Johannem Guiljelmi F. Blaeu. c1655
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Paraguay from volume 2 of Joan Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus .pars secunda." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Strap work title catouche; large compass rose.
The map shows the Northern Patagonia territory. Also showing Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paolo, Santa Cruz of Bolivia, Paraguays, Uruguay, Buenos Ayres, Chili and Santo Iago. Bright original outline colour; good impression; damp stain to edges of blank margins, far from image.
Koeman1, Bl 24C. 375 by 478mm (14¾ by 18¾ inches).    €350
Stock No. 3114 - Americas full description

Sclavonia, Croatia, Bosnia and Dalmatia.

Descriptio Sclavoniæ, Croatiæ, Bosniæ et Dalmatiæq. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Descriptio Sclavoniæ, Croatiæ, Bosniæ et Dalmatiæq. "Sclavonia, Croatia, Bosnia cum Dalmatia Parte. Auct. Ger. Mercatorre.." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of the Dalmatian coast with Sclavonia, Croatia & Bosnia from Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus ." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
The map after Mercator of the countries of the Eastern Balkans.
Decorative title cartouche; three coats of arms of Venice, Hungary and the Ottoman Empire, which all meet in this region. Original colour; light toning to edges of blank margins.
Koeman1, Koeman1, Bl 23A. 385 by 500mm (15¼ by 19¾ inches).    €450
Stock No. 3123 - Europe full description

The Isthmus of Panama, Costa Rica and Columbia.

Descriptio Terræ Firmæ, Novi regni Granatensis, et Popayan. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Descriptio Terræ Firmæ, Novi regni Granatensis, et Popayan. "Terra firma et Novum Regnum Granatensis et Popayan." Amsterdam Apud Johannem Guiljelmi F. Blaeu. c1655
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Panama And Columbia from volume 2 of Joan Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus .pars secunda." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Strap work title catouche and scale; compass roses to sea.

Decorative map of the Isthmus of Panama and North Western South America including most of present day Columbia and part of Venezuela.
Terra Firma is Panama, Veraguas is Costa Rica, and Popayan in the west and Nuevo Rey Node Granada in the east refers to the mountainous Columbia.
The map is significant both for illustrating these early historic areas in the New World and for the numerous settlements, rivers and mountains.
The map is based on the cartography of Hessel Gerritsz. Bright original outline colour; good impression; light damp stain to edges of blank margins, far from image.
Koeman1, Bl 24C. 378 by 490mm (15 by 19¼ inches).    €500
Stock No. 3111 - Americas full description


Descriptio Ultraiectum Dominii. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Descriptio Ultraiectum Dominii. "ltraiectum Dominium." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of the area of Utrecht from Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus. Partis Prima pars Altera." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Strap worktitle cartouche surmounted by coat of arms; scale held by figure
The map is centred on Utrecht. Original colour; printers creases to left half within plate and also to blank margins; damp stains to blank margins mainly far from image, but light cockling to upper left corner within plate.
Koeman1, Bl 21A. 385 by 502mm (15¼ by 19¾ inches).    €350
Stock No. 3163 - Europe full description

Sea Chart of Dunkirk.

Duinkerka. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Duinkerka. " Asbeeldinge vande vermaerde seehavenende stadt von Duynkercken met der omliggennde plaetsen sandem ende droochten asgeteekent door Capiteijn Pieter Codde van Enchuysen. Pourtrait de la Fameuse ville et harve de Duynkercke et places voisins, sbles etc. Faict par le Capitaine Pierre Codde d'Enchuse." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved sea chart of Dunkirk from Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus .Partis Prima pars Altera." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso. Title in Dutch and French; 2 sheets joined; full wash colour to land
Numerous ships; compass rose to sea.
The map based on a previous chart prepared by Pieter Codde a sea captain from Enkhuizen in Holland, shows the coast from Dunkirk to Gravelines and beyond with inset at lower right corner of Calais. Bright original colour; light damp stain to lower edge of blank margin; small brown spot at foot of centre fold, far from image.
Koeman1, Bl 23A. 445 by 710mm (17½ by 28 inches).    €450
Stock No. 3145 - Europe full description

French Flanders.

Flandria Gallicana, vulgo Flandre Wallonne Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Flandria Gallicana, vulgo Flandre Wallonne " GalloFlandria, in qua Castellaniæ Lillana , Duacena, & Orchiesia, cum dependentibus; necnonTornacum, & Totnacesium. Ayctore Martino Doué Gallo- Flandro." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of French Flanders from Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus .Partis Prima pars Altera." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Strap work title cartouche and scale, coat of arms; two corners with decorative Heraldic "trees" of coats of arms.
The map shows French Flanders, the border area with Southern Belgium and Northern France, centred on Lille. Bright original colour; light damp stain to lower edge of blank margin; small brown spot at foot of centre fold, far from image.
Koeman1, Bl 23A. 385 by 505mm (15¼ by 20 inches).    €300
Stock No. 3147 - Europe full description

West Flanders, Dunkirk.

Flandria Teutonicæ pars Occidentalior. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Flandria Teutonicæ pars Occidentalior. " Flandria Teutonicæ pars Occidentalior." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of West Flanders from Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus .Partis Prima pars Altera." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Title cartouche and scale surrounded by putti; compass rose and fleet of ships to sea
The map shows in detail the area of Dunkirk in West Flanders. Bright original colour; light damp stain to lower edge of blank margin; small brown spot at foot of centre fold, far from image.
Koeman1, Bl 23A. 393 by 5001mm (15½ by 197 inches).    €350
Stock No. 3144 - Europe full description

North West Flanders.

Flandria Teutonicæ pars Orientalior. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Flandria Teutonicæ pars Orientalior. " Flandria Teutonicæ pars Orientalior." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of North West Flanders from Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus .Partis Prima pars Altera." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Title cartouche surrounded by putti; compass rose and ships to sea
The map shows in detail the area of Ghent and Bruges in North West Flanders, and the coastline including part of Zeeland Bright original colour; light damp stain to lower edge of blank margin; small brown spot at foot of centre fold, far from image.
Koeman1, Bl 23A. 380 by 500mm (15 by 19¾ inches).    €350
Stock No. 3143 - Europe full description

Virginia & Florida.

Florida. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Florida. "Virginiæ partis australis et Floridæ partis orientalis, interjacentiumq, regionum Nove Descriptio." Amsterdam Apud Johannem Guiljelmi F. Blaeu. c1655
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Virginia & Florida from volume 2 of Joan Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus .pars secunda." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Large decorative title catouche ; scale with 2 putti, of which the left has a tail thus 2nd state; ships and compass roses to sea.

Cartographically this map forms a marked improvement on the Jodocus Hondius map of 1606, from which this was largely derived. It also amply illustrates the direction that engraving styles had moved, being more open and florid. The map depicts two nations' interests, both marked by their own coat of arms. The French claim, being largely present day Georgia, rests on the abortive colonial attempts of the 1560s. Blaeu makes no advance here in geography, following Hondius to the letter.
The greatest improvement occurs in the northern half of the map north of Porto Royal. Whereas on the Hondius the coastline towards C. de Ste. Romano (present day Cape Fear) veered directly east, Blaeu more correctly takes it north-east, placing the cape closer to its true position of 34°. This span of coastline is approximately that of present day South Carolina's. This now present to us a more accurately proportioned Outer Banks Region, radically reduced in size but still slightly too far north. For these improvements Blaeu drew upon the extremeley rare DE EYLANDEN ..., by Hessel Gerritsz, c. 1631. The Outer Banks combine the placenames of Gerritsz and Hondius, often using two different ones for the same area such as C. de Trafalgar and C. ost Feare. This latter name was often applied to present day Cape Lookout before it was used for its present site to the south-west.
Chesapeake Bay was depicted as just a small bay on Hondius' map of 1606 as John Smith was yet to explore these waters. The Gerritsz terminated at this point, and only two placenames appeared. Blaeu draws largely on the Smith map for much of the nomenclature but introduces some English ones from an unknown source. The most important is Newport nesa, Newport News, founded in 1621 and apparently shown here for the first time on a printed map. Also new are Bermouth, Stortingen and Arglas. The two Indian figures from Hondius' map form part of the cartouche on Blaeu's. The winged cherub to the left of the scale provides the only difference to the two known states
. [Burden: The Mapping of America]
Bright original outline colour; good impression; light damp stain to edges of blank margins, far from image.
Koeman1, Bl 24C.; Burden: 253 State 2. 386 by 506mm (15¼ by 20 inches).    €1500
Stock No. 3109 - Americas full description

A Never Built Canal between The Rhine and Meuse; the Fossa Eugeniana.

Fossa S. Mariæ, Quæ & Eugeniana dicta Rhenum Mosamque interduci cœpta anno 1628. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Fossa S. Mariæ, Quæ & Eugeniana dicta Rhenum Mosamque interduci cœpta anno 1628. "Fossa Sanctæ Mariæ, quæ et Eugeniana dictur Vulgo De Nieuwe Grista " Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of the Dutch provinces of Geldria & Zutphen from Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus .Partis Prima pars Altera." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Strap work title cartouche; decorative scale flanked by allegorical figures representing the Rhine and Meuse [ Moselle]; decorative dedicatory cartouche to the Infanta Isabellæ Claræ Eugenia of Spain flanked by spades and pickaxes; shields with coats of arms to upper corners; smaller coats of arms either side of Explicatio.
The map shows the Fossa Eugeniana, a never completed canal from the Rhine near Rheinberg to the Meuse near Venlo. Original colour; light damp stain to edges of blank margins.
Koeman1, Bl 23A. 385 by 510mm (15¼ by 20 inches).    €400
Stock No. 3155 - Europe full description

The Straits of Magellan, Tierra de Fuego. and Le Maire Strait.

Fretum Magallanicum. Fretum Le Maire. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Fretum Magallanicum. Fretum Le Maire. "Tabula Magellanica, quâ Tierræ del fuego, cum celeberrimis fretis F. Magellano at I. Le Maire detectis novissima et acuratissima descriptio exhibetur." Amsterdam Apud Johannem Guiljelmi F. Blaeu. c1655
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Magellanica from volume 2 of Joan Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus .pars secunda." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
3 strap work catouches for title, scale and key; coat of arms and dedication to Constantino Hugenio (Constantijn Huygens, the secretary of the two Princes of Orange, Frederick Henry and William II);; fleet of ships and compass roses to sea.

Ferdinand Magellan discovered and explored the sea route between the mainland of South America and Tierra del Fuego during his circumnavigation of the globe. The natural passage between the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean is named today Strait of Magellan. Magellan himself died during this journey on 27 April 1521 in the Philippines.
The map bears Willem Blaeu's signature but was published by his son Joan.

The map shows the results of the expeditions of Willem Cornelisz Schouten and Jacob Le Maire (1615-1617), who discovered Cape Horn, and those of the Nassau fleet under admiral Jacques l'Heremite and vice-admiral Gheen Huygen Schapenham (1623-1626). "Lheremitens eylandt" and "Schapenhams bay" are named after these two expedition leaders. Bright original outline colour; good impression; fairly extensive damp stain to edges of blank margins, just touching image.
Koeman1, Bl 24C. 375 by 478mm (14¾ by 18¾ inches).    €600
Stock No. 3115 - Americas full description

West Friesland.

Frisia Occidentalis Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Frisia Occidentalis "Frisia Occidentalis..." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of West Friesland in Holland from Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus. Partis Prima pars Altera." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche surmounted by coat of arms; scale with figures and horses; strap work explicatio cartouche; compass rose. Original colour; damp stains to blank margins, far from image.
Koeman1, Bl 21A. 383 by 495mm (15 by 19½ inches).    €400
Stock No. 3162 - Europe full description


Gallæcia. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Gallæcia. "Gallæcia.Regnum descripta a F.Fer. Ojea..." Amsterdam Apud Johannem Guiljelmi F. Blaeu. c1655
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Galicia from volume 2 of Joan Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus. Pars secunda." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche on shell borne by Posidon; large coat of arms borne by Putti with music script on banner below compass roses and ships to sea; Bright original outline colour; good impression; damp stain to lower corners far from image; minor printer's crease to left blank margin.
Koeman1, Bl 24C. 383 by 494mm (15 by 19½ inches).    €450
Stock No. 3176 - Europe full description

Geldria and Zutphen.

Geldria Ducatus ac Zutphania Comitatus. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Geldria Ducatus ac Zutphania Comitatus. "Geldria Ducatus et Zutphania Comitatus" Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of the Dutch provinces of Geldria & Zutphen from Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus .Partis Prima pars Altera." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche, with allegorical figure and coats of arms; scale; ships and compass rose to sea.
The map shows Gelderland orientated west at the top, including Northern Limburg, the Eastern part of Brabant, Veluwe and Zutphen;including the towns of Utrecht, Enschede, Rhunbeck, Maaseik, Eindhoven, Gorcum, etc. Original colour; very light damp stain to edge lower blank margin.
Koeman1, Bl 23A. 382 by 503mm (15 by 19¾ inches).    €350
Stock No. 3153 - Europe full description

Decorative Map of Holland and Belgium. The "Scheepjes Kaart".

Germania Inferior, sive Belgica Hoderna Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Germania Inferior, sive Belgica Hoderna "Novus XVII Inferioris Germaniae Provinciarum Typus" Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of the XVII Provinces from Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus .Partis Prima pars Altera." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Large decorative title cartouche, strap work scale and key; annotated compass rose; fleet of ships to coast.

The second state of the map, first published as a wall map in 1608 with figured borders. In 1630 Blaeu's sacrificed the borders [cutting them off the copper plate] to use as the general map of the Low countries in his first atlas The Appendix.
One of the most decorative maps of present Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg; with the signature of "Willem Janszoon op't Water in de Vergulde Zonnewyzer."

Bright original colour; light damp stain to edge of lower blank margin; printers crease at centre fold
Koeman1, Bl 23A. 397 by 505mm (15¾ by 20 inches).    €1000
Stock No. 3132 - Europe full description

Granada and Murcia Spain.

Granata et Murcia. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Granata et Murcia. "Granata et Murcia Regna." Amsterdam Apud Johannem Guiljelmi F. Blaeu. c1655
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Granata et Murcia from volume 2 of Joan Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus. Pars secunda." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Strap work title cartouche, flanked by winged and breasted lion[esses] , scale wit figure of geographer; 2 coats of arms, compass roses and sea battle .
The map shows the Kingdoms of Granada and Murcia, with part of the Straits of Gibraltar and the Barbary coast Bright original outline colour; good impression; damp stain to lower corners and upper edge, far from image.
Koeman1, Bl 24C. 377 by 497mm (14¾ by 19½ inches).    €375
Stock No. 3178 - Europe full description

Groningen, North Holland.

Groninga Dominium Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Groninga Dominium "Groninga Dominium. Auctore Bartholdo Wicheringe.." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Groningen, Northern Holland from Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus. Partis Prima pars Altera." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche surmounted by coat of arms and figures; scale with figures and animals; strap work explicatio cartouche; compass rose and ships. Original colour; damp stains to blank margins, mainly far from image, but light cockling to upper right corner within plate.
Koeman1, Bl 23A. 376 by 487mm (14¾ by 19¼ inches).    €400
Stock No. 3164 - Europe full description

Guiana, South America.

Guiana sive regio Amazonum. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Guiana sive regio Amazonum. "Guiana sive Amazonum Regio." Amsterdam Apud Johannem Guiljelmi F. Blaeu. c1655
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Guiana from volume 2 of Joan Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus .pars secunda." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Strap work title catouche and scale; compass rose and ships to sea.

Decorative map of the Guianas , Lake Parima (Parime Lacus), and the route to El Dorado.Initially issued in 1630 , variants were published well in to the 1660s. The map covers from Isla Margarita and the Orinoco Delta eastward as far as Tampico and southwards as far as the Amazon River.

This region of South America generated considerable European interest in the early 17th century following the publication of Sir Walter Raleigh's fascinating 'Discovery of the Large, Rich, and Beautiful EMPIRE Of GUIANA .' Raleigh's expedition traveled down the Orinoco River in search of the Kingdom of El Dorado. Today we know that El Dorado did not exist, but was rather an amalgam of very real tribal traditions and the European lust for gold. Nonetheless, in the 16th century, tales of El Dorado were common conversation along the port cities of the Spanish Main. Having explored a considerable distance down the Orinoco, Raleigh's expedition found itself mired in a remote tribal village at the onset of the rainy season. While waiting for an opportunity to return north, a trading delegation arrived. At this time the dominate trading empire in the Amazon were the Manoa, who, though based near modern day Manaus, pursued trade routes to from the foothills of the Andes to the Amazon and Orinoco Deltas. While the rainy season prevented Raleigh from moving forward, for the Manoa it had the opposite effect. The heavy rains inundated the vast Parima flood plain creating a great inland sea, consequently opening an important trade connection between the Amazon and Orinoco Rivers. When the Manoa arrived, Raleigh and his men noticed that they had various golden trinkets for sale. This was apparently enough for Raleigh to deduce that they must indeed be from the hidden kingdom of El Dorado. When Raleigh asked where the traders came from, the locals, with no common language with which to engage Raleigh, could only explain that they traveled across a great water and were from Manoa. Raleigh's presumptuous narrative inspired many early cartographers to map this massive lake, with the city of El Dorado or Manoa on its shores, in the unexplored lands between the Orinoco and Amazon River basins. Bright original outline colour; good impression; damp stain to edges of blank margins, far from image.
Koeman1, Bl 24C. 376 by 494mm (14¾ by 19½ inches).    €400
Stock No. 3112 - Americas full description

Hainaut and Namur.

Hannonia Comitatus. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Hannonia Comitatus. " Comitatuum Hannoniæ et Namurci Descriptio." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Hainaut and Namur from Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus .Partis Prima pars Altera." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche flanked by coats of arms; Scale held by large putti.
The map shows the area of Hainault and Namur. Bright original colour; damp stain upper and lower edges of blank margin, far from image.
Koeman1, Bl 23A. 380 by 500mm (15 by 19¾ inches).    €200
Stock No. 3149 - Europe full description

South Holland.

Hollandia Australis, vulgo Zuyd-Holland. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Hollandia Australis, vulgo Zuyd-Holland. "Zuydhollandia stricte sumta." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of South Holland from Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus. Partis Prima pars Altera." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche; ship and compass rose.
. Original colour; drop of wax[?] to left lower plate mark and rust spot and scattered small grey spotting to lower blank margin; light damp stain to upper edge of blank margin.
Koeman1, Bl 21A. 384 by 511mm (15 by 20 inches).    €350
Stock No. 3160 - Europe full description


Hollandia. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Hollandia. "Hollandia Comitatus. " Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Holland from Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus .Partis Prima pars Altera." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Strap work title cartouche; scale on plinth with figure of geographer; coat of arms of lion rampant surrounded by wreath; empty cartouche to lower left corner surmounted by lion; inset map with decorative frame; ships and compass roses.
Blaeu's decorative map of Holland with an inset of the Dutch Islands of Texel, Vlielandt, etc. Original colour; light damp stain to edges of blank margins.
Koeman1, Bl 23A. 390 by 522mm (15¼ by 20½ inches).    €1000
Stock No. 3157 - Europe full description

The Kingdoms of Fez and Marocco.

Imperium Fessanum. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Imperium Fessanum. "Fezzæ et Marocchi Regna Africæ Celeberima describebat Abrah. orteius.." Amsterdam: Apud Johannem Guiljelmi F. Blaeu. 1655
Copper engraved map of Fez and Marocco from volume 2 of Joan Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus .pars secunda."Original outline colour. Double page; folio; Latin text to verso..
Decorative title cartouche; ships to sea.
The map is after the desription of Ortelius. Original outline colour; good impression; light toning due to former framing; light toning to edges of page; a couple of spots to blank margins; centre fold split to lower blank margin, repared with archival tape to verso.
Koeman1, Bl 24C. 393 by 500mm (15½ by 19¾ inches).    €350
Stock No. 3092 - Africa full description

The Carribbean.

Insulæ Americanæ, in Oceano Septemtrionali, Ante sinum Mexicanum, & aliquot Continentis regiones. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Insulæ Americanæ, in Oceano Septemtrionali, Ante sinum Mexicanum, & aliquot Continentis regiones. "Insulæ Americanæ, in Oceano Septemtrionali cum Terris adiacentibus." Amsterdam Apud Johannem Guiljelmi F. Blaeu. c1655
Original coloured, copper engraved map of the Caribbean from volume 2 of Joan Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus .pars secunda." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Large strap work title cartouche and scale: dedication cartouche surmounted by coat of arms; ships and compass roses to sea.

Blaeu's chart of the Caribbean, based on a section of Blaeu's own West Indische Paskaert (ca. 1630) and Hessel Gerritsz' rare chart of 1631. The chart was the most accurate for its time and was used throughout the seventeenth century.

The chart covers practically the same area as the Gerritsz chart, but adds the west coast of Central America and the South Sea ( Mare del Zur). Although this western coast is shown on the chart, there are no place names there. Every other coast is detailed in its toponyms, reflecting the advanced nature of European colonialism in the mid-seventeenth century. The place names in Florida and what is now the US Gulf Coast are mostly Spanish in origin, suggesting the use of a hard-to-get Spanish chart for that section.

The place names along the coast of eastern North America are practically identical to the Gerritsz chart, other than the important addition of Virginia here. According to Burden, Blaeu also accurately shows the distance between Chesapeake Bay and Albemarle Sound to be only 1°, whereas many contemporaries show them a further distance from each other.

The coastlines are colored decoratively, not to reflect political boundaries. The map is embellished with several other aesthetic details that make it distinctive to other charts of the area based on Gerritsz. A delicate scrolling script and rhumb lines fill the seas, as do five ships in full sail. The ships underline the region's importance to Europeans; it was a major center for trade, resources, and a site for forced labor. Bright original outline colour; good impression; light damp stain and toning to edges of blank margins.
Koeman1, Bl 24C. 383 by 526mm (15 by 20¾ inches).    €1300
Stock No. 3117 - Americas full description

Croatia, Slovenia, Istria.

Karstia, Carniola, Histria et Windorum Marchia, & Comitaus Cilia. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Karstia, Carniola, Histria et Windorum Marchia, & Comitaus Cilia. "Karstia, Carniola, Histria et Windorum Marcia. Ger. Mercatore Auctore" Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Friuli, Istria and surrounds from volume 1 of Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus ." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
The map shows the region of that is now Slovenia and Croatia; the coast and the peninsular of Istria with the islands.
Decorative title cartouche, compass rose and ship to sea. Original colour; light toning to edges of blank margins.
Koeman1, Bl 23A. 386 by 500mm (15¼ by 19¾ inches).    €500
Stock No. 3125 - Europe full description

Famous Figure map of Africa.

LAfrique Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. L'Afrique "Africæ nova descriptio. Auct. Guiljelmo Blaeuw." Amsterdam Chez Jean & Corneille Blaeu. c1640
Original coloured, copper engraved figure map of Africa from volume 2 of Joan Blaeu's "Le Theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas." Double page; folio; French text to verso.
The famous figure map of Guillaume Blaeu has 9 town views in upper border and 10 costumed figures in side borders, there are numerous galleons and monsters to the sea; lions, elephants and other wild animals to the body of the map. "This is one of the most decorative and popular of all the early maps of Africa" (Norwich 32).
Much of the geographical information is still based on the Ptolemaic maps, with the Nile shown with its source in the Lakes Zaire and Zaflan. Also included are various other mythical lakes and rivers including the famous Lake Sachaf of Laurent Fries. Original outline colour; good impression; evenly toned due to previous framing;brown paper tape to edges of verso, due to framing. some light spotting,1 darker spot to lower left above Privilege; lower centre fold split,repaired to verso.
Koeman1, Bl 17[ 1/A]. 414 by 555mm (16¼ by 21¾ inches).    €3200
Stock No. 2698 - Africa full description

León And Asturias.

Legio et Asturia. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Legio et Asturia. "Legionis Regnum et Asturiarum Principatus." Amsterdam Apud Johannem Guiljelmi F. Blaeu. c1655
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Asturias and León from volume 2 of Joan Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus. Pars secunda." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche surrmounted by coat of arms and flanked by lions; compass rose to sea;Strap work scale. Bright original outline colour; good impression; damp stain to lower corners far from image.
Koeman1, Bl 24C. 380 by 502mm (15 by 19¾ inches).    €300
Stock No. 3175 - Europe full description


Leodiensis Episcopatus Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Leodiensis Episcopatus " Leodiensis Diocesis." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of the Diocese of Leige from Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus .Partis Prima pars Altera." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Decorative title cartouche surmounted by coats of arms and flanked by putti; strap work scale cartouche; compass rose. Bright original colour; damp stain upper and lower edges of blank margin, two creases to upper right corner.
Koeman1, Bl 23A. 378 by 497mm (15 by 19½ inches).    €300
Stock No. 3152 - Europe full description

Duchy of Limburg.

Limburgum Ducatus. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Limburgum Ducatus. "Ducatus Limburgem Auctore Ægidio Martini." Amsterdam Apud Guiljelmum et Joahannem Blaeu. 1647
Original coloured, copper engraved map of the Duchy of Limburg from Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus .Partis Prima pars Altera." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Large decorative title cartouche surmounted by putti; holding coat of arms.
The map prepared by Ægidio Martini shows the border area with the cities of Maestrict, Leige And Limburg.
The Duchy of Limburg or Limbourg was a state of the Holy Roman Empire. Its main territory, including the capital Limbourg,is today located within the Belgian province of Liège, with a small part in the neighbouring province of Belgian Limburg. Bright original colour; light damp stain to lower edge of blank margin; small brown spot at foot of centre fold, far from image.
Koeman1, Bl 23A. 382 by 505mm (15 by 20 inches).    €400
Stock No. 3140 - Europe full description

Livonia, the Baltic States of Latvia and Estonia.

Livonia vulgo Lyfeland. Blaeu, Guillaume & Jean. Livonia vulgo Lyfeland. "Livonia vulgo Lyfeland." Amsterdam Apud Johannem Guiljelmi F. Blaeu. c1645
Original coloured, copper engraved map of Livonia from Joan Blaeu's "Theatrum Orbis terrarum, sive atlas novus ." Double page; folio; Latin text to verso.
Decorative cartouche; ships to sea and shields with coats of arms to body of map.
The map shows the historical region of Livonia, present day Latvia and Estonia, on the Baltic Sea. Bright original outline colour; good impression dampstain to edges of lower blank margin, far from image.
Koeman1, Bl 23A. 387 by 506mm (15¼ by 20 inches).    €500
Stock No. 3100 - Europe full description

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